Category Archives: News

Football Team win the Gala Cup

This evening boys from Primary 6 and 7 were selected to play in a school football tournament as part of the Gala celebrations. The boys successfully defeated East Calder Primary and Parkhead Primary, winning the final against Parkhead Primary.

A big thank you to Mr Porter and Cameron Martin for coaching the team, and to everyone who showed up to support the team. Congratulations boys!

Celebrating 100 Years of Mid Calder Gala

Nursery to Primary 7 have been working on a mini learning context about Mid Calder, as they are celebrating their 100th year of Gala Days this year. Classes have been taking part in lots of different activities from walks through the village to orienteering, map reading to investigating the history of Mid Calder. Each class produced a photo frame of their learning, photos of the frames will be displayed at the front of the school on Gala Day and the Gala committee will display the frames in the village.

Click here to listen to the Nursery pupils sing a song they made about Lizzie Bryce.

West Lothian Track and Field Competition

Today, 13 Primary 7 pupils represented Mid Calder Primary at West Lothian’s first Primary Track and Field event….and boy did they set a high standard for next year! Alix Fairley won both the long jump AND the shot putt events for the girls, and the girls relay team also came in first place, making Mid Calder the fastest relay team out of all of the 17 schools that took part. All 13 children were a credit to the school and themselves, showing each other fantastic support and good sportsmanship….despite the rain and hail that they had to compete in. Well done to all who were involved. Another fantastic achievement for Primary 7 this week.





Pirates of the Curry Bean

Visitors travelled from across the UK and even Europe, to  Mid Calder Primary School this week to view the Primary 6 and 7 production of Pirates of the Curry Bean. The Primary 6 and 7 pupils and staff have worked very hard over the past 6 weeks to pull everything together, it was great to see the pupils taking a lead in everything from acting to singing, lights to dancing, props to prompting … a true team effort from the pupils who were facilitated by their teachers and school staff. It definitely was better than ‘alright on the night’ with the pupils being the true stars of the show! We received lots of lovely feedback from our guests who commented on how it was nice to see the pupils being so involved in the production, the jokes were great, a fantastic show and a it was a real feel-good show.

A big well done to all the pupils, staff and parents for their team effort in making the show such a huge success.

Watch this space for some video clips … coming soon!

Sports Day

This week we had our Mid Calder Primary School Sports Day, which for the first time in a very long time managed to happen on the day we had planned it, thanks to the sunshine. The children took part in a variety of potted sports in their house teams and the favourite by far was the tug of war, which even some of the teachers joining in!

A big well done to Mrs Mitchell, our P.E. teacher for organising Sports Day for us and for the Primary 7 helpers. A big thank you to all the parents, family and carers that came along to support the event.

The winning house will be announced at assembly on Friday.

Pirates of the Curry Bean


Ahoy there me hearties! This here be a reminder that the squid sucking buccaneers in Primary 6 and 7 have been working their unwashed socks off for you to sail away on an adventure with them in their show, Pirates of the Curry Bean. Come and join us on the docks of Old London Town on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th May at 7pm for the piratical musical that’s sure to make you shake yer booty! Tickets can be seized from Captain Bokhari and Admiral Ritchie at the school office for the scurvy price of £3 each. Don’t monkey around and get yourself on board before the anchor is away…