Category Archives: News

So you want to be a buddy?

Today Primary 6 pupils were involved in Buddy Training to prepare them for being P1 Buddies next term. We discussed the role of a buddy and why they are important. Pupils completed a carousel of questions including:

  • What qualities should a P7 buddy have?
  • What language will you use to support your buddy?
  • What activities would you like to do with your buddy over the year?
  • How can the staff support you with your role as a buddy?

We then took part in a community builder which helped us consider the emotions P1s might feel when they start school, we found out who our buddy will be and finally we made our buddy a card.

P7 Fair and P6 and 7 Enterprise

This week we have been informed on which p6 and 7 enterprize groups are going into the Dragon’s Den (Miss Thompson and Miss Burton are the ‘dragons’) to present their work. We have teams who are presenting such things as smoothieS, a lolly lucky dip, tea, coffee, cakes, car wash, popcorn, tattoos, pik n’mix and other exciting things too. This is all going to be presented at the P7 fair this Friday on the 12th of June. We are all very excited and I’m sure a lot of the P7s are too because we are doing a new activity called…SPONGE THE P7S!!! so as you can see it’s clearly going to be a very funny and exciting morning for everyone.

by Lucy Haran p7

Responsible Roles: Magical Mediator Training Day 2

Today was Day 2 of our Magical Mediators training programme to prepare us for our Responsible Roles when we go into Primary 7. We returned to St. Ninian’s Primary School and we completed lots of different tasks to prepare us for the role. We also made action plans, we will meet with Miss Burton to put these plans into place for the next school year.

A big thank you to St. Ninan’s for hosting the training and we hope to have a Magical Mediator Debrief session in November to check up on how everyone is getting on in their new role. Also thank you to our trainer Carol from the Scottish Mediation Network.


Responsible Roles: Playful Pals

In preparation for the Responsible Roles that they will be taking on when they return as Primary 7s next session, some of the Primary 6 pupils have been learning how to be good playground games leaders today. Mrs Keogh, our Active Schools Coordinator, delivered a training session to teach the Playful Pals how to be a good playground buddy and to lead a variety of games with confidence. The P6s involved had an opportunity to try out some of their new skills with their peers and are looking forward to showing the rest of the school what great Playful Pals they can be in August.