Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7. In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of CSI style investigations. Here the pupils will have the opportunity to develop reasoning and logical thinking within problem solving scenarios. We are excited about P7 leavers’ activities. P7 are now in the process of transferring their responsible roles onto P6.
There was a lot of excitement in the upper area this morning as the Primary 6s found out their Responsible Roles which they will start in term 4 of P6 and into P7. Each Primary 6 pupil completed a job application form, which were of a very high standard and were then allocated an appropriate role dependent on their skills, qualities and experiences.
The Primary 7 pupils with the support of Miss Burton put together a training session for the new P6 Magical mediators. They started with a job description and an overview of what the job required. We then took part in a selection of community builders which helped us to focus on the skills and qualities needed to be a mediator, and which also put us in the role of the disputants. Following this we went through the 5 stages of a mediation and the Primary 7s showed us a mediation scenario, then we had time to try out our own scenarios with the Primary 7s supporting us. Finally we ended with a question and answer session, the Primary 7 pupils offered a lot of very useful advice.
Thank you so much to the Primary 7s for training us and we are looking forward to our work experience shadowing opportunity in the new term.
Here is the Magical Mediators training video that the P7s made: