Category Archives: Learning Stories

The Scottish SPCA visit P1, P2/1 and P2

We were all very excited yesterday when the SSPCA visited our school to talk to us about and show us what they do to help out the animals across Scotland.

Lee, the Animal Welfare Officer, was very interesting and we all listened intently while she explained how she rescues and treats all different types of wild and domestic animals.

It was great to be able to handle and try on the specialist equipment Lee had brought with her. It was funny when Niamh tried on Lee’s high visibility jacket she wears at night time and near roads – it was slightly too big!

We learned that if we see people being cruel to animals we must tell an adult and someone will be there to help them. The SSPCA do a great job and we really enjoyed the visit. Thank you for our fancy pencils, we really like them 🙂 .

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In P4/3, Every Little Helps :-)

P4/3 had a great trip to Tesco Bathgate this week to find out more about how food comes from farm to fork  related to our previous topic of Healthy Families, Healthy Children. We ate many different fruit and vegetables, made our own bread, held different seafood, stood in the big freezer and even got to try some delicious cheeses- I think the favourite was blue cheese 🙂 Have a look at some of photos from the day! We loved it!

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P2/1 Visit to Pizza Express

P2/1 were very excited last week when we visited Pizza Express. We traveled by coach and arrived just after 9.15am on Thursday morning. We begun by washing our hands and putting on our aprons. We had to use our hands to carefully roll out the dough and make a nice circle. We kneaded the edges to make our pizza crust.

The chef helped serve the peseta which we spread over the dough by tapping the pizza tray. Then, we were able to add our toppings! We had lots to choose from including cheese, tomato, ham, pepperoni, chicken, onion and mushroom.

We had a drink of juice while we waited on our pizzas cooking. When they were ready, we ate them at our table.

Delicious! Yummy! Mmmm!

Now we know how to prepare and cook a pizza, look out Papa John!

Niamh said of the experience, ”I felt happy when we went to Pizza Express because we got to make our own pizzas”.

Emme also agreed that she really enjoyed the trip – especially the coach journey!

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