Category Archives: Nursery

Nursery Number Walks

I can recognise numbers in the environment around me and I can talk about why they are important.

The nursery boys and girls have been learning more about numbers in the environment. At home they worked with their mummy’s and daddy’s to take photos of the numbers they saw at home and why those numbers were important. The children could tell us that buses have different numbers because they go different ways, everyone needs a different phone number and the houses on their street all have different numbers so the postman knows where to go!

The children decided that they wanted to go on a number hunt around the school! They were amazed at how many numbers they found. The children took photos with the ipads and have been trying to recognise the  numbers in the photos now they are back in the nursery. Thank you for all your help when we came over to visit your classrooms boys and girls. We really enjoyed it.


Profiling Tool

The documents below show what your child will be learning when they are working withing a specific level. This should help you support their learning at home. Our pupils use these profiling tool when they are setting individual and group targets.








Safer Internet Day

On Safer Internet Day 2017, P1 were developing their understanding of what is meant by personal information. They were also learning that this information is private and should be kept safe.

SC  I can give examples of what personal information is
I can make choices about the information I share with others

We began by looking at some photographs, and we were amazed at how many clues we could get about something or someone just by looking at a photograph. We started thinking about the kind of information we could see, and realised that we have similar information about ourselves – name, age, address, school etc. In small groups we discussed whether other people, especially people we don’t know, should know this kind of information about us. We decided they should not. This personal information should be private. To consolidate our thinking, we then worked together to sort some photographs into two hoops – personal information that should be kept private, or information that could be shared. Lots of good discussion could be heard as we worked on this task.


Later, we made an ‘All About Me’ poster showing information about ourselves that we were happy to share with others eg my favourite colour, my favourite book etc. We all remembered not to put any private information on our poster, and we were all happy to show our posters to each other.

Firefighters visit the Nursery

As part of our topic on superheroes, the nursery children have been learning about real life superheroes.  On Tuesday the children were surprised with a visit by Red Watch from the Livingston Fire Station.  The children had fun firing the hose and climbing into the cab of the fire engine.  The firefighters talked to the children about their jobs and the special equipment they used.  They even let the children see the flashing lights and hear the sirens.

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Come and Sway with the Nursery!

The nursery have started a new Sway board. It keeps you up to date with what is happening in the nursery and all the activities we are doing linked to our topic – Superheroes!! We will continue to add to this as the children move through their learning journey.

Please take a look at all the fun we are having while learning!

Days of the Week

For the last 2 weeks the children in nursery have been learning the days of the week. We have been singing songs to practice the cycle of the days and it has helped us learn the day before and day after. We read ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and discussed what he ate every day. At the Art and Craft table some of the boys and girls painted a caterpillar and placed a day of the week card on each part of his body. We then put the days in order and attached the food that he ate on the correct days. As a team, we also completed a jigsaw and looked at the different things the children did on different days. The boys and girls can now complete this independently or with a friend.

At home the children could sing you the days of the week songs and try to talk about what day it is today, tomorrow, yesterday.

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Nursery Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Mid Calder Nursery. We had a very busy time in Term 2, looking at different materials and how we could use them to build and using vocabulary such as hard, soft, rough and smooth. We participated in several science experiments, where we investigated how a car would move down a ramp when travelling on different surfaces and we also looked at the changes in ice as it freezes and melts again in changing environments. We loved the excitement in the run up to Christmas and enjoyed sharing this special time with your children. The children enjoyed taking part in a variety of Christmas activities and we hope you agree, performed brilliantly at their Christmas show. This term as part of the school Burns celebrations the children are learning “Wee Willie Winkie” in Scots.  The children are working hard to learn this and will be sharing it with the other children in the school.  Please help your child to learn this poem.  A copy can be found on the school blog.  Please feel free to wear some Tartan to nursery on 25th January.

Kind regards,

Mrs Murray, Mrs Diamond, Mrs Aikman and Mrs Findlay.


Celebration Assembly- Term 2

Today we held our second Celebration Assembly to recognise the successes and achievements of children from across the school. We began with a welcome from Mr Povey, then shared the winners of our STEM Superstars and Remarkable Readers awards, as well as our top scorers and winning House- Calderwood. We also celebrated BB Bonkers’ success following their Dragons’ Den win yesterday.

A big well done to all of our award winners!