Category Archives: Nursery

Nursery Parent/ Carer Questionnaire

Dear Parents and Carers,

Each year we invite parents to comment on the work of the school.  As we begin to plan our priorities for session 2017-2018, we would very much appreciate you taking the time to give us some feedback.

Every child in the Nursery and school will receive a questionnaire.  If you have more than one child in school and you feel you can represent your views on one questionnaire, please feel free to do so.  If, however you feel your child’s experiences are quite different from each other, we are happy to receive a questionnaire from each of them.

You can also complete the form electronically, you will find it in the school blog, please return to the school or electronically to

Please return completed forms by Friday 2nd June.

MCPS Questions for Nursery Parents 2017 

Digital Leaders for Digital Learning Week

To celebrate Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week, our Technical Troopers have been working extremely hard to make a #digitaldifference in Mid Calder Primary School. They have delivered lessons across all stages of our school, teaching our pupils how to use a range of digital tools to enhance their learning. Primary 4A, 4B and P3 received a lesson on how to use the Glow tool Forms, while P7/6 and P5A learned how to the Glow tool Sway. The Technical Troopers helped our Nursery children to develop their positional language by using the Bee-Bots, as well as supporting P1 with logging onto the netbooks and accessing a pirate themed activity using Purple Mash. Primary 6 were taught about the language of coding using Hour of Code, while P5B continued to develop their programming skills using Scratch to create a simple game. P3/2 were shown how to use the different features of iMovie to create a short film about their IDL context.

The Technical Troopers received lots of positive feedback from both the teachers and the pupils, and they did a fantastic job at sharing their own digital skills confidently to make a #digitaldifference.

Digital Learning Week in the Nursery

The Primary 5 boys and girls came to the nursery to show us how to use the beebots. They learned positional language, forwards, backwards, side to side, left and right. They used these directions to program the beebots and make them move. They linked it to number by rolling the dice and the number they rolled was the number of moves the beebot would make.

“They were going backwards and front ways!” – Sophia

“They were really fun.” – Eilidh

“I liked the beebots because I made mine go round in a circle.” – Hannah


We used the visualiser to project the children’s writing on to the smartboard. They were able to show their friends how they wrote their name and how they formed letters. They loved seeing their work on display.

The children have continued to use the ipad apps and have enjoyed choosing songs for the new ipod! They are now in control of the music in the nursery!

The go pro was in full swing keeping track of the children’s learning. It was keeping active and was also used for the children interviewing each other about what they were doing.

Some of the boys and girls have been practicing their keyboard skills while learning their letters and sounds.


The children then helped Mrs Murray do the blog post to share their learning.

Nursery transition visits

The nursery children who will be moving to Primary 1 after the summer holidays have started their transition visits.  So far they have been to assembly with the whole school and a visit to the P1 classroom.  The children were very excited to visit the classroom and joined in with a Primary 1 lesson.  The children will have more visits over the next few weeks, as well as meeting their buddies and having an opportunity to try school lunches.

The seeds of success

The nursery children have been very busy planting seeds.  Last week they planted beans and this week the will be planting sunflowers.  The children selected their seed, filled a pot with compost and planted the seed.  We are encouraging them to water the seed and keep checking for signs of growth.  The children will also have the opportunity to get planting in the nursery garden.  This work  links in with our “Spring” topic.