Category Archives: Nursery

The Willow Tea Room/ Pop in and Play.

086 “Mrs Barber told us her mum sewed the Willow Pattern,” said Ava. “We designed our invitations after Mrs Barber told us the Willow story.”092Bernice said, ” I was helping to hang the bunting. I made some bunting to make our nursery nice like the cafe we visited.”078“I’m doing the food in the tea room, I was collecting the stuff from the tables.” said Ava.036Zara’s mummy came, she had a scone.

CIMG0032 “Mummy came to our nursery for Mother’s Day, she had a scone,” said Charlie.

Ruaridh said, “It was Wednesday, she came that day. She ate Mrs Findlay’s cake. I eated a biscuit and a wee cake.”

Parents’ comments:

“Wonderful opportunity to involve parents! Kids and parents equally enjoy this. Nice to bring parents together too. my child  was so excited to share her nursery experience with mum.”

“Lovely scones! Great oppportunity to play with my daughter, she loved showing me round,”

“Tea party was lovely, very nice to be treated. Loved the victoria sponge.”

Shape Pictures PM Nursery.


The afternoon nursery created a shape picture at group time. Erin said she used 1 circle, 6 rectangles and a long rectangle for the stem. Can you guess what one is hers?

Jake made a guy with a circle, a rectangle, a square for the body and 4 rectangles.

Archie used a circle for the head, a triangle for his body and had 4 legs on his elephant.

Max made a dog using a rectangle, triangles for ears and 4 legs.

Lacy made a house which had a triangle roof, She said, “It has 3 sides. A square for the house, oval for the door, 2 circles for the windows.”

MTH 0-16a The children are displaying good knowledge about 2D shape and their properties.

Afternoon Nursery visit the Post Office.

CIMG0083CIMG0086CIMG0092CIMG0105 The afternoon class had very special letters to post. They were inviting guests to a tea party in the nursery. Cayla said,” 1,2,3,4,5,6 people walked to the Post Office.  We wore shiny jackets so people know we are a nursery group.”

Max said, ” We saw mole hills.”  Jake and Cayla found the Post Office sign in the village.

Jake said, ” we posted some letters, I put a stamp on the letter, 63p for the stamp.” Jessica received her change and receipt from the lady.

Lacy said, “I was looking at other things to buy in the Post Office, they sell newspapers and comics.” Jake said, “the letter came the next day.”

We hope all our guests come to the tea party.

Curriculum Evening: Maths

On Thursday night we invited parents and carers along to find out about our world of Maths at Mid Calder Primary. As you know Maths is on our school improvement plan for the second year, we began in the hall discussing with parents our journey with maths so far. Then the Numeracy shared with us some information about SEAL (stage of early arithmetical learning) and how parents can support at home.  This was followed by workshops in classes demonstrating what a typical maths lesson looks like and how parents can support their child at home. A big thank you to everyone who supported the event and to our house and vice captains who helped with the smooth running of the event.

Feedback from parents included:

  • ‘These evenings are great to get ideas as to how to help my child at home’.
  • ‘Our daughter talks a lot about the strategies she is learning about’.
  • ‘My child is very enthusiastic when doing Maths homework’.
  • ‘This was a good insight into how my child is learning and developing within Maths’.
  • ‘We can see the improvements being made, keep up the good work’.

School Overview:

Numeracy Team Input:


Primary 1:

P1 from midcps

Primary 2/3:


Primary 4/5:

P4/5 from midcps


Primary 6/7

What is happening in our Nursery?

Having our scones.
Having our scones.

Mrs B's camera 098

This week some of the morning group visited the local cafe in the village.  We wanted to find out what we could serve in our Willow Tea Room in the nursery. We all walked down wearing safety jackets. “On the way we spotted numbers on people’s doors, 15,16,17,18, 19,20″ said Imogen. Carlie said, ” We held hands to cross the road and used good listening ears and looked left and right to cross safely.” “In the cafe we all sat at the tables and looked at the menu,” I had a scone and apple juice,” said Rocco.  Amelia-Jo said, “We paid money.” We had a super time, learning lots on the journey and experiencing a visit to a cafe.

Pupil Council: Recognising Achievements

Today at our Pupil Council Meeting we discussed different achievements we would like to complete by P4 and P7.

For example by P4 it might be:

  • I can take part in  a school trip.
  • I can receive Star Pupil.
  • I can take part in the Nativity/ concert.

By P7 it might include:

  • I can use my own device in school safely.
  • I can take part in a residential.
  • I can apply for House Captain.

Look out for our finished achievement lists!

Mid Calder celebrate Burns in braw style!

On Friday 22nd January, Mid Calder Primary participated in their annual Burns/Scots poetry celebration.

Pupils from Nursery, right through to Primary Seven, we asked to develop their knowledge and understanding of Scots language by learning a selection of poems.  Each class selected two representatives who then recited their chosen poems to the whole school community.

Mr MacFarlane, Mrs Bokhari and Mrs Ross were asked to judge the participants- the winners of each stage from P4-7 will represent the school at the West Lothian recital competition.  Thank-you to Mr MacFarlane and Mrs Bokhari for their excellent judging skills.

Many thanks to the Vice Captains for compering the morning and welcoming our visitors into school.

A huge thank-you to the parents and carers who came along to show their support during the morning.  Also a huge thank-you to all of the parents and carers from the school community who helped prepare poems with all of our learners at home.  The level of commitment and effort when learning these difficult pieces of text, was phenomenal.

Well done to the girls from Primary 5 and Primary 7 who were keen to share their skills and talents in Highland dancing.  What a fantastic performance!

All of the pupils and staff members participated in preparations for the assembly with enthusiasm and dedication – another example of successful learning in Mid Calder Primary School!IMG_0999 IMG_1001 IMG_1023IMG_1065 IMG_1066IMG_1056 IMG_1057IMG_1052 IMG_1053 IMG_1054 IMG_1064IMG_1058 IMG_1059 IMG_1060 IMG_1063IMG_1061 IMG_1062 IMG_1073 IMG_1074 IMG_1075 IMG_1076IMG_1077 IMG_1078 IMG_1079 IMG_1080IMG_1070 IMG_1072 IMG_1082