Category Archives: Nursery

Pizza Delivery!

The nursery children have spent the last two weeks creating Pizza World! We have taken orders, written menus, made pizzas at the craft table, made deliveries, we have had cheese and tomato, pepperoni, ham and pineapple and much, much more! Pizza World got a new manager in the afternoon and he had to deal with complaints about noise and occasionally had to get his team to tidy up the shop!!! After all the hard work, creativity, sharing, communicating and lots of smiles, the children got the opportunity to make their own pizzas. With the help of 2 parents they prepared the area, washed their hands, spread the tomato base and added their topping. After 10 minutes in the oven the pizzas looked, tasted and smelled delicious!

Well done boys and girls!

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Nursery Charter

This week in the nursery we have been discussing our nursery charter. The children worked in their small groups with their adult to decide on what they would like to feel like in the nursery and the things that make them happy. They decided that being kind, sharing, helping each other and listening to each other were important if we were going to play, learn and be safe. The children then decorated a kind hand and spoke about what they used their kind hands for.

“My kind hands will always be kind.” Amelia-Jo

“My kind hands give love to everybody that wants to go to the park.” Hannah

“My kind hands share.” Erin

“My hands are kind to people who are sad.” Lola

We took these ideas and put them in to our charter and we think it’s looking great!

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Nursery Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Mid Calder Nursery. I hope you have all had a peaceful and relaxing summer, and are now feeling refreshed.  This term the children are enjoying settling in to the nursery. They are getting to know new friends and new staff. We are confident your child will feel happy and secure in the nursery and will aim to provide a variety of experiences and opportunities that will help your child become a confident, lifelong learner, by capitalising on their individual strengths and qualities. We look forward to an exciting term.

Mrs Murray, Mrs Diamond, Mrs Aikman and Mrs Findlay

learning letter term 1 

Class of 2016

Every year West Lothian Council holds a ‘Class of …’ so Head Teachers can share interesting and new practice and they can find out about what’s new in education. On Friday Mrs McKenzie was invited along to Class of 2016 to share how we use ICT to support our learning and teaching at Mid Calder Primary. You can view the video below.

Yum! Potato soup!

This week the nursery children had a delicious treat! After picking the potatoes from the nursery garden last week, Mrs Aikman and some of the boys and girls made potato soup to have as snack. The children helped read the recipe, chop the ingredients, write the menu and the the best bit………. they were able to eat it! They enjoyed dipping their bread and were delighted with how tasty it was.

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Our First Week at Nursery

It has been a busy week in Mid Calder Nursery. We have met new friends who have started their very first day at nursery. We have welcomed them and made them smile.


We have also enjoyed playing with friends that we already knew from last session. We have been building together, sharing and cooperating with other children. We have enjoyed helping the teachers make snack and learned new cutting and spreading skills. We also practiced our counting and decided together how many of each item we got to have for snack. We have been dancing and put on a show for the other children and enjoyed making castles in the sand.

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We even managed to find numbers in the jewellery box! Can you see what number it is?


Outside in the garden the boys and girls have been building dens, playing in the mud kitchen and they were very excited to dig up the potatoes they grew with Mrs Aikman. We are going to use them to make potato soup next week. We are looking forward to another busy week in the nursery next week.

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Kind Wishes at the Nursery

Today was a very special day at the nursery. Mrs Barber was presented with flowers, cards and many gifts from the nursery children and parents.Miss Thompson explained to the children that Mrs Barber had been teaching nursery children for 36 years and one parent said she had known Mrs Barber all her life. It was very emotional for all involved but we wish her a happy retirement and will miss her in the nursery. One more task before she goes…Our trip to North Berwick. Thank you for making this a special day. She has many happy memories, not only of her time at Mid Calder but throughout her teaching career in West Lothian.

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