Category Archives: Interdisciplinary Learning

Question Writing in P2/1

We are learning to write a letter asking questions about Stirling Castle.

  • I can use a letter opening and ending.
  • I can use an address.
  • I can use questions with question marks.
  • I can use different question openers.

This week in writing we were learning about questions. We thought ahead to our trip to Stirling Castle and created some questions we would like to ask. We had to use different question openers, for example, who, what, where, when, why and did. We had to remember to use a question mark at the end o our questions. We then wrote a letter to Stirling Castle asking them our questions. Primary 2 had to write an introduction telling them about ourselves. We finished it by self assessing our work against the success criteria.

Someone even received the Living Our Values Award for creating interesting questions.


Bring Your Own Device Update

This week, the Technical Troopers met to discuss the use of Bring Your Own Device in MCPS to find out what is going well and what can still be improved. As we are still in the trial phrase of Bring Your Own Device, we have decided to allow children in P5-7 who have a signed BYOD contract to use their own device during Free Time Friday. The Technical Troopers brainstormed the benefits and possible problems that could occur with this, and also discussed the possible consequence of the contract being broken during Free Time Friday.

We decided that all of the details outlined in our Responsible Use contract will still stand. This will be reviewed regularly to ensure that our pupils, staff and devices remain safe. You can see a copy of our Responsible Use contract here. If you would like your child to engage with Bring Your Own Device, copies of the contract can be obtained from the class teachers in P5-7.

In addition to this, and following on from our taster session from Google at the end of last term, we have recently purchased a set of 10 Virtual Reality headsets. These can be used with most smart phones using the ‘Expeditions’ app. Google Expeditions takes children on virtual trips all over the world, allowing them get up close with historical landmarks, dive underwater with sharks and even visit outer space! This is an exciting new use of Bring Your Own Device that we are looking forward to exploring.

P5a Maths

P5a Maths

Learning Intention:

We are learning to display information in frequency tables and bar charts and understand the impact of scale on these

Success Criteria:

  • I can ask and answer questions about information displayed in frequency tables and bar graphs
  • I understand the impact of scale on pictograms and bar graphs and can use this to make sensible choices about what scale to use
  • I can create my own pictogram or bar graph choosing an appropriate scale, labels for axes and title
  • I can ask and answer questions about bar line graphs

As part of our IDL topic on Natural Disasters, we have been learning about different ways of displaying data and how to interpret information shown on charts and graphs.

We looked at a selection of graphs and answered questions about the data displayed on them. We then surveyed our class and created our own graphs. When we could confidently do this, we looked at data about volcanic eruptions around the world and created bar graphs to show the number of deaths caused by these.  As we were working with large numbers we had to adjust the scale of our graphs accordingly to ensure they were accurate and that they would fit on the page! Next we will be learning how to create pie charts and line graphs.

Horrible Hurricane Histories in P5B

We are learning to research a significant natural disaster from throughout history.

Success Criteria:
I can identify reliable websites and understand when a website is trying to influence me
I can organise my notes under appropriate headings
I can summarise my findings using my own words
I can use my notes to contribute to a class OneNote

As part of our IDL context, Natural Disasters, this week Primary 5B have been learning all about hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones. First of all, we learned that the main difference between these weather phenomenons is the location where the storm is formed. Next, we used our own and the school devices to research a well known hurricane in pairs, taking notes on our findings.

We also used our findings to contribute to a class OneNote, where we had to input the cost of damage caused by our hurricane, and the number of lives lost in the disaster. We then used the data handling skills we have been learning in our maths lessons to transfer this information into a pie chart and a bar chart using Purple Mash. We posted our charts onto our Natural Disasters Yammer page.

We then brought all of this information together to write a newspaper article about our hurricane. We imagined that the disaster had just happened and we had been given the job to tell the world about it.

What a whirlwind of a week for P5B!

Dragons’ Den

Today groups from Primary 4 and 5 presented their persuasive pitches as part of a Dragons’ Den challenge linked to their topic of George’s Marvellous Medicine. They were judged by a panel of experienced Dragons including Mrs Pendry, an expert in setting up cooperative businesses, and Mrs Ross, a representative from Enterprising Schools. The standard of pitches was extremely high and all of the teams did a fantastic job in selling George’s medicine to the judges.

A huge well done to Lewis, Lexie and Ben who made up the winning team, BB Bonkers, and a big thank you to our Dragons- Mrs Ross, Mrs Pendry, Mrs McKenzie and Fraser. Thank you also to Miss Burton for setting us such a great challenge, one that we really enjoyed taking part in.


Google Virtual Reality Expedition

Today, P5-7 had a very exciting visit from Google Virtual Reality experts who took us on amazing 3D journeys using the Google Expeditions app. As reading is a whole school focus this session, our experience was centred around the life and works of Roald Dahl. We used our Virtual Reality glasses to explore the film set of Fantastic Mr Fox, the place where he used to write some of his books, his old classroom and the crash sight of the plane accident he was involved in. The buzz and excitement about using this technology was electric, and we’re looking forward to using Bring Your Own Device to explore its possibilities in the new year.

Primary 2 and 3: The BFG at Christmas!

Following their interdisciplinary context for learning on the BFG, this week Primary 2 and 3 presented their original The BFG at Christmas to our parents and carers. They showed us their creative skills through drama, singing and improvisation, well done Primary 2 and 3! Santa even made a surprise appearance at the end. Thank you to everyone who joined us.