Category Archives: PSA

PSA Update

A massive thank you to all the children who came along to the PSA Halloween Parties, and to all the parent helpers who, without your help, these events just wouldn’t be possible. The parties made almost £400 which brings the playground fund to £5,674.31! Great news and well done everyone.


PSA Fundraising Update

A big thank you to everyone who supported the school with the PSA’s last 2 fundraising events. Jazz Up Your Gymmies has raised £219.09 (we’re still not finished jazzing so don’t worry if your child’s shoes haven’t been done yet) and the Dress Down Day made £219.40.

We’d also like to say a huge thank you to Helen Turner who, not only helped us out at the Spring Fair, but again applied to her employer, the Bank of Scotland, for Matched Giving who gave us £500 for her time helping a charity.

If you’d like more information about if your employer operates the Matched Giving Scheme you can contact your human resources team or this is a link is a rough guide but may be out of date.

This brings our total for the playground fund to £5,274.55.

A big thank you to the PSA for organising these events and to everyone who has contributed.


Spring Fair 2016

The sun shone on Mid Calder on Friday as we opened our doors for our annual Spring Fair organised by our PSA. Pupils past and present, families, staff and members of the local community joined together at MCPS and took part in a range of activities and events from the bouncy castle to tombola, various stalls to face painting.

A big thank you to the PSA who organised the event and to everyone who attended. We raised a huge £1773.97.