Category Archives: Learning Letters

Primary 3/2 STEM Context: Brompton Bike Challenge

For our STEM context for learning we are going to be learning about the Brompton Bike Challenge!

Our learning will focus on:

  • Science: Senses and Materials
  • Technologies: Design
  • Maths: Measure

The questions we decided we wanted to explore are:

  1. What is a safe bike? Who uses bikes? RESEARCH and NOTE TAKING ON MIND MAP
  2. What senses are used with a bike accessory? SENSES
  3. What materials are used to make a bike accessory? RESEARCH and MATERIALS
  4. How do you design a bike accessory.? DESIGN and PROBLEM SOLVING (design brief)
  5. How do you build a bike accessory? MEASURE and CONSTRUCTION

P3 Baby Gym Challenge!

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Primary 3 received a letter today! After opening our letter we discovered that we have been set an exciting challenge to design and make a baby gym that is suitable for a small baby.

Here are our key questions that we will explore this term:

1. What is a baby gym?

2. What senses does a baby use when playing with a baby gym?

3. How do you design a baby gym?

4. How do you build a baby gym?

5. How do you advertise a baby gym?

We will work in small design teams explore our key questions and design and make our baby gym. We will have to work as a team, make decisions and solve design problems and questions along the way.

We will also have the opportunity to advertise and present our baby gym to other children in the school and we might even have a visit from baby Ailish who we are designing our baby gym for!

Wish us luck!

Miss Clark and Primary 3


Primary 6, 7/6 and 7 Cool Chemistry

The Upper block are really looking forward to beginning our STEM topic for Term 3!

Have a look at our key questions which we will be aiming to answer during this five week topic.

  1. How do we ensure a fair and accurate test that has proved or disproved a hypothesis?
  2. What changes occur to different materials when introduced to another substance?
  3. What can affect the rate and how well substances dissolve?
  4. How are soluble and insoluble materials separated in water?
  5. Are there changes to substances which can be reversed?

Keep an eye out for photos and videos of our up and coming experiments on our blog page!


Learning Letters P6

Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you all for your support and encouragement during a busy second term. ‘Alice the Musical’ was a great success and I hope that you enjoyed seeing your child participate in it. There is lots to look forward to this term including our new IDL context: The Mid Calder Election. The children are looking forward to learning about how society functions and will hopefully have an interesting and engaging experience when forming their own political parties and voting for a class Prime Minister. Also, we are currently preparing for our class assembly where we will be celebrating National Storytelling Week. I hope you can join us for that.
Mr Renshaw


Learning Letter P5

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 5. We are looking forward to a busy and fun term. The highlights of last term
included our George’s Marvellous Medicine topic and our trip to the cinema. We were also excited to start
this term off with our Dragons’ Den pitches to a guest panel of exclusive Dragons. We have now begun our
new IDL context for learning, Natural Disasters, and all of the children in P5 will be involved in the West
Calder High School cluster handball festival on 15th February.
Miss Sherlow and Mrs Campbell


Learning Letter P6/7

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 7/6. Last term we held an amazing show, ‘Alice in Wonderland’. All of the children were very
excited about this and our final show was amazing. Thank you for all of your help towards making this special for the children. We can’t wait to go and see ‘Alice the Musical’ performed at the Playhouse shortly. This term the children are looking forward to learning about democracy and how society works, this will accumulate in class elections and each class will have a class president. P7 have started some transition work with Dr Cherry from W.C.H.S where they have been learning some technical drawing skills and will shortly visiting the High School to make a spatula.
Dates for up and coming events:
Wednesday 25th January – ‘Alice the Musical’
Monday 21st February – Visit to Scottish Parliament
Monday 6th March P7 – The Risk Factory


Learning Letters P7

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 3 in Primary Seven. We are looking forward to a very busy term, focusing and concentrating on lots of hard work and effort into our Maths, Reading and Writing. We will be using our context for learning in our IDL to engage with current social and political news, studying and investigating Scotland in the year 2017. This will culminate in an exciting trip to Edinburgh to visit the Scottish Parliament, to learn about democracy.
Mrs Ross

Dates for up and coming events:
Alice In Wonderland theatre trip: 25th January
Risk Factory trip: 6th March
Scottish Parliament trip: 21st February


Learning Letters P2/3

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 2/3. All of the children have settled well into P2/3 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. Last term we enjoyed the BFG topic and our performance for a school panto. The highlights of the term ahead include our trip to Modern Art 1 in Edinburgh to look at the work of Joan Eardley and the sculpture gardens. All pupils have also now joined a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive changes within our school this year.
Miss Brolls
P2/3 Teacher



Primary 1 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 1. The highlights of last term included looking more closely at a variety of Fairytales through reading the story of The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.   We read all our favourites, and enjoyed exploring characters and settings. Creating a happy, alternative ending to the story of The Gingerbread Man was a lot of fun too! Thank you to everyone who came along to our Open Afternoon during Scottish Book Week. The children very much enjoyed sharing their learning with you.

Performing the Nativity was another highlight of Term 2, and I’m sure that you will all agree that the children did a fantastic job.

Mrs Smith          P1 Teacher
