Category Archives: Learning Letters

P2 Learning Letter: Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 2. All of the children have settled well into P2 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. So far, the children have participated in a community building fortnight where we have been getting to know each other, creating our community contract and becoming familiar with our new class routines. We also had a mini focus on our school aim of developing our skills and celebrating achievements. We have begun our new IDL context for learning, Dinosaurs, and are looking forward to our class trip to the National Museum of Scotland.

Mrs Smith

Learning Letter P2 Term 1

P7 Learning Letter: Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to our first term in Primary 7. All of the children are settling well into P7 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. This term has begun with a very good effort from all pupils as the eldest in school. They have settled back into their Responsible Roles around the school, providing support and encouragement to P1 Buddies. All pupils are soon to join a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive changes within our school this year.
Mr Glancy and Mrs Redmond, P7 Teachers

Learning Letter P7 Term 1 – 2017-18 

P6/7 Learning Letter Term 1

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to our first term in Primary 7/6. All of the children are settling well into P7/6 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. There is lots to look forward to including our new IDL context: The Jacobites. The children are excited and motivated to learn and are already sharing facts about the topic and stories about The Jacobites. Also, all pupils are soon to join a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive changes within our school this year. We have enjoyed working on our House Election Presentations and look forward to taking on our House Captain and Vice Captain roles.
Miss Richmond

Learning Letter P7-6 Term 1 – 2017-18 (1)

P6 Learning Letter Term1

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to our first term in Primary 6. All of the children are settling well into P6 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. There is lots to look forward to, including our new IDL context: The Jacobites. Also, all pupils have just joined a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive changes within our school this year. Please keep track of all that we are learning this year via the school blog.

Learning Letter P6 Term 1 – 2017-18 (1)
Mr Renshaw
P6 Teacher


P5A & P5C Learning Letter Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 5. All of the children have settled well into P5 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. So far, the children have participated in a community building fortnight where we have been getting to know each other, creating our class charter and becoming familiar with our new class routines. We also had a mini focus on our school aim of linking home/school/community which we presented at last week’s assembly. We have just begun our new IDL context for learning, The Rainforest, and the children have discussed what they already know and have created a set of questions they would like answered; we will be exploring these throughout the topic.

Miss Anderson and Mrs Campbell

Learning Letter P5a P5c Term 1

P3 Learning Letter Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 3. All of the children have settled well into P3 and we are looking forward to a
busy and fun term. So far, the children have participated in a community building fortnight where we have
been getting to know each other, creating our community contract and becoming familiar with our new class
routines. We also had a mini focus on our school aim of developing our skills and celebrating achievements.
We have begun our new IDL context for learning, Dinosaurs, and are looking forward to our class trip to the
National Museum of Scotland.

Miss Sherlow

Learning Letter P3 Term 1

Digital Learning Week: Supporting Learning at Home

Sum Dog and Purple Mash are two online resources we have purchased to support learning and teaching in Maths and Language. These resources can be used in school and at home. The PSA have helped us to purchase Purple Mash.

Teachers may set homework using these resources, however if homework has not been set parents can use these resources to support Maths and Language development at home.

Sum Dog

P1-7 have a Sum Dog Reading and Maths account. They can access this account at home by using the log in provided in their homework diary/book.

To access Sum Dog go to:

If you have an apple device you can download the Sum Dog app for free.

Purple Mash

P1-7 have a Purple Mash account. They can access this account at home by using the log in provided in their homework diary/book.

To access Purple Mash go to:

To find out how to use Purple Mash on your tablet you will find information here:

To find out how to use Purple Mash with iPad apps you will find information here:


Information to support parents/ carers: using-ict-to-support-maths-and-language-updated


P1 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 1. First of all, a huge thank you for the support you gave last term. It was a very busy time for us, but we enjoyed lots of new experiences in our learning journey. Hopefully the children were enthusiastic about sharing their learning with you at home too. Highlights of last term included our visit to Stirling Castle and the Ball In The Hall with our P7 Buddies. As part of the STEM ‘Building Our Nursery’ topic, we also enjoyed a visit to the Robertson Homes building site. This helped us to understand how buildings are created, and how everyone has an important role to play during the building process.

Now, there is a lot to look forward to in the term ahead. This includes our new IDL context-Pirates and our Assembly. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Smith

P1 Teacher

Learning Letter P1 T4 (1)

P6 Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

We’re looking forward to a great final term in Primary 6. Pupils have recently begun their various responsible roles around the school and are enjoying taking on extra responsibility. We are also starting our new IDL context, ‘How does your garden grow?’. Exciting and challenging activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of our own playground and surrounding areas. If any parents or carers would like to donate their time or materials to help with our topic we would very much appreciate it.

Mr. Renshaw

P6 Teacher

Learning Letter P6 Term 4 (1)

P7 Term 4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7. In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of outdoors within their topic ‘How Does Your Garden Grow’. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of our own playground and surrounding areas.  If any parents or carers would like to donate their time or materials to help with our topic we would very much appreciate it.  We are excited about P7 Leavers’ activities. P7s have also started handing over responsible roles to the P6 pupils.

Dates for up and coming events:

P7 & P6 Topic trip date to be confirmed

9th May: P7 Parent’s Evening                                                      18th May: Reading Curriculum Evening

11th May:  Parent’s Sex Education Evening at 5pm.                          Transition dates for WCHS and JYHS

26th June: P7 Leavers Assembly                                                             29th June: P7 Leavers’ Party

Learning Letter P7 Term 4 (3)