Category Archives: Technologies

Primary 3/2 STEM Context: Brompton Bike Challenge

For our STEM context for learning we are going to be learning about the Brompton Bike Challenge!

Our learning will focus on:

  • Science: Senses and Materials
  • Technologies: Design
  • Maths: Measure

The questions we decided we wanted to explore are:

  1. What is a safe bike? Who uses bikes? RESEARCH and NOTE TAKING ON MIND MAP
  2. What senses are used with a bike accessory? SENSES
  3. What materials are used to make a bike accessory? RESEARCH and MATERIALS
  4. How do you design a bike accessory.? DESIGN and PROBLEM SOLVING (design brief)
  5. How do you build a bike accessory? MEASURE and CONSTRUCTION

P4A visit to East Bangour Dairy Farm

This week as part of our IDL topic, we visited East Bangour Farm in Broxburn. We had previously researched facts about cows including what they eat, where they sleep and what they produce. The visit to the farm was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about cows in a real life context. We were able to see that the cows how the cows are organised into groups. fed, sleep and milked on a daily basis. This included a chance to feel what being milked was like, using the suction machines. Additionally, we looked and smelled what the cows were fed, where they sleep and general living habits.

Fortunately, at the end of the visit we were able to hold baby lambs as their mother had given birth before our visit. We had fun guessing all their names which was revealed at the end of the trip.

A huge thank you to Jim and all his farm at East Bangour Farm for letting us come and learn more about cows and all the hard work that is involved in looking after them. Additionally, we would like to say thank you to The Royal Highland Education Trust for organising our visit and ensuring we had lots of fun!



Safer Internet Day

On Safer Internet Day 2017, P1 were developing their understanding of what is meant by personal information. They were also learning that this information is private and should be kept safe.

SC  I can give examples of what personal information is
I can make choices about the information I share with others

We began by looking at some photographs, and we were amazed at how many clues we could get about something or someone just by looking at a photograph. We started thinking about the kind of information we could see, and realised that we have similar information about ourselves – name, age, address, school etc. In small groups we discussed whether other people, especially people we don’t know, should know this kind of information about us. We decided they should not. This personal information should be private. To consolidate our thinking, we then worked together to sort some photographs into two hoops – personal information that should be kept private, or information that could be shared. Lots of good discussion could be heard as we worked on this task.


Later, we made an ‘All About Me’ poster showing information about ourselves that we were happy to share with others eg my favourite colour, my favourite book etc. We all remembered not to put any private information on our poster, and we were all happy to show our posters to each other.

P2/1 Internet Safety Day

As part of Internet Safety Day P2/1 explored 5 different questions:

  • How do we get on to the internet?
  • What can we do on the internet?
  • What passwords do we use?
  • Why is a password important?
  • How can we keep our passwords safe?

We explored the questions in group, and then made a poster. we presented our ideas to the rest of our class.

Safer Internet Day in P5B

To mark Safer Internet Day 2017, Primary 5B have been learning about the power of sharing images online. We watched a video which challenged our thinking about first impressions of images, and encouraged us to think that there can be more than meets the eye with pictures we see online. We looked at a range of different images and were asked if we thought they were real or fake. This proved to be harder than we thought it would be!

Next, we were given a range of scenarios and asked to react in a freeze frame. We had to explain our reactions, giving real life examples if we could, as well as sharing how these made us feel.

Finally, we took part in a game of Emoji Charades where we had to share a top tip about how to make the internet a better place using only emojis. Can you guess our top tips?

BYOD @ Free Time Friday

For the last two weeks, we have been trialling the use of our own devices during Free Time Friday. In the middle area, we have used this opportunity to explore the use of our new Virtual Reality headsets, to create fact sheets about our IDL topic, to use Google Earth to locate volcanoes, and to play Sumdog.

You can see a copy of our Responsible Use contract for Bring Your Own Device here. If you would like your child to engage with BYOD, copies of the contract can be obtained from the class teachers in P5-7.