Category Archives: Technologies

Yammer Responsible Use Agreement

As lots of our classes are using Yammer to share their learning, the Technical Troopers created a Responsible Use Agreement to ensure that it is used in an appropriate, relevant and safe way. Kirknewton Primary School had kindly shared their Glow Charter with us to give us ideas about the important statements to include. We decided on the key ways that we need to keep ourselves and our information safe, as well as how we can share our opinions in a kind and mature way.

We then sent our agreement to our Rights Respecting Schools Junior Leadership Team, who linked some of our statements to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. You can find a copy of the agreement here. Each class will review this together, editing it to suit their needs if appropriate. The new copy will then be posted to their own class Yammer page to show that everyone has agreed to the Responsible Use Agreement.

Leadership through Digital Technologies

Several of our classes have created a class Yammer page to share their learning journey throughout our STEM IDL contexts. Last week, Primary 5B supported Primary 3/2 and Primary 3 to help them to get logged on to and explore the features of Yammer. They helped them to access the tool through the Glow launchpad, join their class group, contribute to a poll, and to comment on pictures. Maya and Brooke also took the lead as administrators on each Yammer page, accepting new requests to join and keeping the teachers informed with progress.

To support the use of other Glow tools, P5B also shared their knowledge of Sway with Primary 4B to help them to create a fact file about the solar system. P5 gave them a tour of the key features of the Glow tool, then supported them when they began to explore it themselves while making their presentations. They also logged on to P4’s Project Planetarium Yammer page to view the completed Sways, giving them two stars and a wish feedback based on their success criteria.

This week, Primary 4B were then able to use this new knowledge and skills to support P4A when they were creating their Sways about the solar system. A fantastic example of our pupils becoming digital leaders!

Building in P1

We are learning that buildings are created for a variety of purposes                               

We are learning that different materials are used for different parts of a building


  • I can name different types of buildings
  • I can name different parts of a building
  • I can describe the different materials used in a building and say why each one is effective

We started our new IDL by reading and talking about the story of The 3 Little Pigs. We explored the materials used to build the houses in the story, and decided why the straw and the sticks were not particularly suitable. The bricks were definitely the best choice!

We then watched a video clip about building a house, and considered some of the materials suggested for the different parts of the building – jelly walls? hair roof? newspaper windows? We could give very good reasons why these materials would not be appropriate, and we suggested much better alternatives. There were lots of examples of these building materials all around us in school- eg bricks, concrete, wood and glass.

We decided that these materials would probably be used for other types of buildings too.

We have now set up a Site Office in our classroom,  and we are going to keep an eye on the progress that is being made with the Nursery next door. Now, we plan to investigate some of the different types of work carried out when a new building is created, and we would also like to explore the various roles that people have throughout the process.

P4b’s Space-tacular Assembly!

Well done to Primary 4B for a FANTASTIC assembly today all about their Project Planetarium STEM IDL Context. We have learned so much about the planets and the moon in our space missions so far and cant wait to find out what is next!
Thank you to all parents and carers who managed to attend. The children enjoyed preparing, practicing and presenting their assembly! Here are some pictures from the assembly and a link to the prezi presentation for any parents and carers who couldn’t attend and for the pupils to watch again!

Prezi Presentation:

P2/1 – Building Our Nursery

We are learning to understand that different materials are used for different purposes.

We are learning to investigate the properties of different materials.

  • I can name different materials and explain why they might be used for different parts of a building.
  • I can find a variety of materials around the school and explain why it has been used for the purpos

This week we have been exploring the different materials we can use to build and design, we had a choice of different rotations:

  • Using machinery in the sand to build.
  • Designing plans for the nursery in the architect’s office.
  • Selecting materials to build a nursery.

Mission 6: Fingerprint Discovered

Learning Intention: We are learning what a fingerprint is
– I understand that everyone has a unique fingerprint
– I can identify the key features of my own fingerprint
– I know how and why the police use fingerprints to help them solve crimes

As part of our STEM IDL context, Kidnapped, P5B have been receiving missions from Police Chief Anderson to help Police HQ to find Jack and Sarah Green. This week, we discovered that a fingerprint was found on the strap of a watch belonging to Jack. Chief Anderson sent our investigation teams a fingerprinting kit so that we could find out more about our own fingerprints. 

We learned there are 3 main characteristics to look for; loop, whorl and arch. We put our fingerprints onto a balloon first and inflated it so that we could see our print pattern more clearly. We used magnifying glasses to get an even closer look.

We then took prints of all ten of our fingers and analysed them to find the specific characteristics of each one. It was interesting to compare all ten fingers and see which was the most common characteristic. We recorded out findings and added this to our growing case files.

We also discussed how difficult it must have been for the police to match fingerprints in the days before technology. We used our own and the school devices to find out when the first crime was solved using fingerprint evidence- all the way back in 1892!

Primary 4 STEM Context: Project Planetarium

P4 are focusing on Project Planetarium for our STEM topic.
Here are our key questions…
1. How do the sun and moon affect the length of the day, month, year and seasons?
2. What does the solar system look like?
3. What are the features of the different planets?
4. How and why do people become astronauts?
5. How have spacecrafts changed over time and what are their features?

Our context will develop our knowledge and skills in the key curricular areas of:
Science: Safely observing and recording the sun and moon and describe their patterns of movement/changes, observing and researching features of the solar system.
Maths: Collation of data, displaying data and scale.
Technologies: Technological advances over time and using and accessing information.

Ms Richmond, Primary 4 and I are excited to discover more about our solar system!

P2/1 Castles Evaluation

On Friday P2/1 evaluated their learning about Castles.

We discussed the knowledge we had learned – the information we now know about castles, the skills we developed – the things we did to learn about castles. We also discussed what went well and how it could be even better.

Some of our favourite learning activities included:

  • building castles at home and school
  • visiting Stirling Castle
  • Our Ball in the Hall with our buddies

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1: Building Our Nursery

For our STEM context for learning we are going to be helping the builders to build our nursery!

Our learning will focus on:

  • Science: Materials
  • Technologies: Design
  • Maths: Measure

The questions we decided we wanted to explore are:

  1. What materials will we use to build our nursery and why?
  2. What machines will we need and how do they work?
  3. Which tools will we use to build our nursery and why?
  4. Who will help us build our nursery?
  5. How will we design the inside of our nursery and what will we need?
  6. When will we open our new nursery and how will we open it?