Primary 4 STEM Context: Project Planetarium

P4 are focusing on Project Planetarium for our STEM topic.
Here are our key questions…
1. How do the sun and moon affect the length of the day, month, year and seasons?
2. What does the solar system look like?
3. What are the features of the different planets?
4. How and why do people become astronauts?
5. How have spacecrafts changed over time and what are their features?

Our context will develop our knowledge and skills in the key curricular areas of:
Science: Safely observing and recording the sun and moon and describe their patterns of movement/changes, observing and researching features of the solar system.
Maths: Collation of data, displaying data and scale.
Technologies: Technological advances over time and using and accessing information.

Ms Richmond, Primary 4 and I are excited to discover more about our solar system!

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