Category Archives: Technologies

Using ICT to enhance learning in Mid Calder

We are living in a constantly evolving digital world and technology has an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives. And, we are very lucky to be able to use this technology in school to develop skills that will help us in the world of work and in our journey as lifelong learners in our ever advancing world.

Here are some of the ways that we use ICT to enhance our teaching and learning in Mid Calder Primary School:

Bring Your Own Device Parent Information

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) parent information session. For those who were unable to attend, here is the PowerPoint that some of our Technical Troopers, Pupil Council and House Captains brilliantly presented. Thank you to those pupils for giving up their time to share our BYOD journey so far.

Anytime Anywhere Learning: Yammer!

This afternoon P4 have been exploring Yammer, one of the services available from Glow. We have created a secure Yammer Group for our P4 Interdisciplinary Context for Learning – Project Planetarium. In this group Miss Burton uploaded photos from of our learning and we had to comment on our learning. We also uploaded our Tim Peake Biography’s and peer assessed them. We are excited about the possibilities of Yammer to help us share our learning and collaborate with each other.

Selfie Cop

Selfie Cop is an app that can be installed on the phones/tablets of children (targeted at 8-13 year olds) and their parents to help children learn to think more about images they share.  Every time the camera is activated on the phone/tablet, SelfieCop pops up and asks the child if they are sure about sharing this image – the image will also be available for the parent carer to view.  The app is installed with the child’s awareness and permission – it’s not about spying on their activity, it’s about trying to instill good habits around thinking twice before sharing images.

You can find out more information on: 

4 Days to go till the ‘Mid Calder Bake-Off’!

Hope you have all had a great weekend and  managed to make the most of the fantastic weather…..but also hope you’ve been thinking, planning and shopping for you Bake-Off entry. I know Miss Burton has decided to bake for the first time…shopping was stressful for her and she had to ask myself where to buy ‘condensed milk’ in the supermarket…well done Miss Burton we look forward to seeing the finished bake.


Just a small reminder it’s only 4 DAYS to go – The Book Lions look forward to receiving all your contributions on Thursday morning. Parents/family if you could hand yours into the front office on Thursday morning a member of the Book Lions will be there to give you a form and receive your bake and recipe…we then look forward to seeing you in the hall from after 1.30!

Pupils please remember to bring your entry in appropriate packaging (if you would like this returned let us know on the day). We will distribute a card for you to complete and hand in with your bake (on Thursday) at school on Wednesday – don’t worry if you loose it we will have more on the day. Please don’t forget to bring a copy of the recipe to be sold/donated with your cake and remember to bring in your own donation to take another cake away!

We will also have a book swapping stall – so look those books out now and bring along any day this week.

Signing off…..lets get baking!

Ms Allsopp and The Book Lions

Lights, Camera, Action

Today we turned the upper area into a movie theatre, where only the best actors, directors and cameramen were invited. The children have been working hard to create their own blockbuster movies featuring either, Dizzy, Fluffy or Spike. Each group focused on the three C’s and S’s…….colour, character, camera and sound, story and setting and today was the day where they showcased their talents.  Showing in our cinema was, London Crisis, Spike Bond and Fluffy Dimension, to name but a few, however there could only be 3 winners. Each child voted for the movie they felt demonstrated the skills that we had been learning in class, portrayed a good storyline and also made us laugh.  And the winners wereâ€Ĥâ€Ĥ.

Best movie:

P7:      Caitlin, Laura, Ellis and Charlie J

P7/6: Cameron, Chiaro and Ellis

P6:     Noah, Luca, Callum, Charlie, Grace, Logan F and Logan S

Best Actor :

P7:    Trystan

P7/6:  Jacob

P6:  Harry

Best Actress:

P7:     Neve

P7/6:  Natalia

P6: Keira

Special Effects:

P7:   Jamie K, Neve, Michael, Ben

P7/6: Rosie, Lauren, Jacob, Natalia, Kacper

P6:   Reno, Ayla, Holly, Charlie, Louis, Zach

Well done to everyone on completing their film. It was evident, from the movies, that the children has used a lot of what they had learned throughout their topic and that they thoroughly enjoyed making their own movies. I am sure that we have some budding actors and actresses in our midst.131143142141138139140136135134016130132133




Internet Safety in P1a

Last week as part of Internet Safety Week, P1a spent some time talking about the computers, laptops, tablets etc that we use at school and at home. We discussed how we  use them for different purposes such as research or playing games, and how we sometimes use the Internet to do these things. We also talked about the importance of looking after our devices, and taking care when we handle them. The next day we began exploring different types of Personal Information and we discussed whether or not we would share this with others, especially with people we don’t know. Then, we related this to keeping ourselves safe online by watching and discussing a short cartoon called ‘Hector’s World’.


Stay Safe, Be Smart!

Last week, P3 and P3/2 joined together to think about how we could be safe on the internet for Safer Internet Day 2016. As a group, we looked into Hector’s World and discussed and shared some of the main ideas of internet safety such as;

  • Keep safe and keep your personal information private
  • Read the terms and conditions
  • Ask an adult you trust for permission before going on any website/putting in any details
  • Always check if information on a website is safe and true

Please follow the link to access more about Hector’s world-

Challenge set: How can you be SMART on the internet?

We challenge you to come up with 5 top tips or create a poster on how to be safe when using the internet.

hector SMART top tips