Category Archives: Curriculum Areas

Term 1 Achievement Assembly

On Friday we had our first Achievement Assembly of this session. Each class nominated one pupil to receive the Achievement Award for their class and parents and carers were invited along to watch the assembly.

We also gave out Star Writer Awards, Top Scorer prizes, JRSO certificates and announced the winning house for the term. 

Well done who everyone who received an award!

 2015-10-16 achievement assembly nominees

Growth Mindsets- Information for parents

Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success—a simple idea that makes all the difference.

In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort.

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.

Please see the links below for further information and tips on how to help your child to develop a growth mindset.


The Liv’n Harmoneez Kidz Choir

The Black Bull Function Suite

Mid Calder

Thursdays 6.30pm-7.10pm

Starts Thursday 5th November

Cost £4 per week

Come along and join our exciting new addition to Star Harmonies-

The Liv’n Harmoneez!

This is a new and exciting Choir for kids from P3 upwards where the emphasis is on fun and enjoyment as much as singing.

Singing is proven to boost your confidence, improve concentration and gives your body a good workout.

Come along, make new friends and sing some popular modern pop musical theatre and traditional songs in a welcoming environment.

To book a place and for more details phone: 07545 178310

Or e-mail-starharmonies,


P7 Sports Festival

This week all the P7’s took part in the annual Sports Festival at East Calder Sports Centre. Over the past few weeks we have been practicing the skills involved in the various activities with Mrs Mitchell. The activities that we took part in at the festival were the javelin, time 2 lap-run, speed bounce and standing long, which we were scored in. There were also another 2 activities, one to test our endurance and one to test our balance. All P7’s who participated gave 100% and did extremely well on the day. Hopefully we will get the results soon. P7 hope everyone has a fantastic and safe holiday. See you all soon PTDC0458 PTDC0414 PTDC0429 PTDC0444

Rainforests in a Bottle

Learning Intention: We are learning to write a set of instructions for a rainforest in a bottle

Success Criteria:
I can use the key features of instructions including:

-a title
-an introduction
– a list of equipment needed
– short, clear and easily understandable steps
-numbered steps
-a picture/diagram
I can use commas correctly to separate items in a list
I can use connectives to show the order of events

In our writing lesson this week, Primary 5 were learning to write a set of instructions about how to make a rainforest in a bottle. We watched a video to help us, then we used the information we had learned to make an example as a class. We then felt ready to write out our instructions.

During our sharing the learning afternoon, we used those instructions to make our own rainforest in the bottle with our family members. To share our learning, we had also created rainforest quizzes on the computer that our guests had to complete, we had a rainforest themed money challenge and we had made krispie cakes as a treat because cocoa beans that are used to make chocolate can be found in the rainforest.

“I loved making a rainforest in a bottle with my Mum. It was fun and educational to make.” said Ryan.

“I liked when my Mum got most of the answers right in my quiz. She got my trick question wrong!” added Joe.

“I loved showing my Mum around our class, especially the quiz because she didn’t know that gum came from the rainforest and it was cool to teach my Mum something new” said Kiera.

“I loved it when we did the money challenge where we had to spell words from the rainforest and find out how much they cost. My Mum got on quite well.” said Katie.

“I liked making the rainforest in a bottle with my family and i think we should do something like this again” added Amy.

Primary Two Share Their Learning at the Mid Calder Primary Open Afternoon

To celebrate our learning so far this term we invited our parents and families into the school so we could share what we have been learning for Money Fortnight and in our Interdisciplinary Learning which focused on traditional tales. We especially keen to share our story books that we wrote all by ourselves and we were able to show our skills when using coins to pay for items in our toy shop. Thank you to everyone who came along.


Money Fortnight Open Afternoon

To celebrate the end of Money Fortnight we invited our parents and families into school to share with them what we have been learning about in connection with money, and also our interdisciplinary learning context for learning. Activities included visiting the bank, sharing our storybook, making a rainforest in a bottle and making sushi. Thank you to all the parents and families that came along to support this event, there was a great ‘buzz’ around the school.