Category Archives: Curriculum Areas

Hooray for Arrays!!

We are learning to make and display equal groups in different ways and write number sentences about them. MNU 1-03a

In P3, we have been learning about arrays. We know that they are arrangements of objects/pictures in equal rows and columns. Arrays help us visually see what an equal group looks like so as we can apply it to remembering multiplication sentences.

We have been getting into human arrays outside, finding arrays within our homes and classroom and making arrays within Maths.

We started by making equal groups of objects and counting how many we had altogether e.g. drawing flowers with different petals and aliens with different body parts. Through making arrays out of counters, play-doh, squared grids and gameboard actvities, we are continuing to develop our knowledge of arrays and our recognition of multiplication sentences. Have a look at some of our learning from in class below…

.array 1 array 2 P3 016 P3 017 P3 018 P3 020 P3 053 P3 055 P3 056 P3 057 P3 062 P3 067 P3 076


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Today at our Pupil Council meeting we discussed the concerns we had about bring our own device and came up with some solutions.

  1. Lost, stolen, damaged devices: We recognised that we would have to trust each other. We think it’s important that your device has a protective cover. Some of us discussed that if you brought you own devic e it is just for you to use. We would have to learn to take responsibility for our own devices and respect other children’s property.
  2. Taking photos & videos: Some of us had the idea that if you were using your own device you could only take photos of yourself and your work and you could use school devices to take photos of other pupils in your class. We discussed how you had to ask someone before you took a photo and then delete the photo from the device when you are finished. We recognised that we would have to be responsible when taking photos and videos to ensure they were appropriate.
  3. What if I don’t have a device?: ‘So what?’ -We have lots of devices and eq uipment in school that you can use. We discussed how you might want to take an old device to school with you to use.
  4. Responsible use: We thought it would be a good idea to create a contract so children remember how to use the devices responsibily. We don’t think we should use social media or texting  at school, we want to use our devices to help us learn.

On Thursday some of the Pupil Council and Technical Troopers are having a Glow Meet with the Pupil Council at Williamston Primary. They are using BYOD and we think we could learn lots of them.

Our new school devices are almost ready to use on our Anytime Anywhere Learning network … We are very excited abut the possibilities this will have for us and our teachers!



Grand Designs in P4

Our new topic Grand Designs involves all the children in using maths skills to solve a series of design challenges.

During the past week the children have worked together to measure the contents of our classroom in centimetres and metres. This has involved choosing the correct tools for measuring.

A tricky challenge was working out the area of our classroom using square metres. The children worked together to make a series of metre squares, which they then laid down on the floor and counted so that we could find out the area of our classroom. This proved to be quite a tricky challenge to solve, especially as the squares had to be a metre all the way round.

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Mid Calder celebrate Burns in braw style!

On Friday 22nd January, Mid Calder Primary participated in their annual Burns/Scots poetry celebration.

Pupils from Nursery, right through to Primary Seven, we asked to develop their knowledge and understanding of Scots language by learning a selection of poems.  Each class selected two representatives who then recited their chosen poems to the whole school community.

Mr MacFarlane, Mrs Bokhari and Mrs Ross were asked to judge the participants- the winners of each stage from P4-7 will represent the school at the West Lothian recital competition.  Thank-you to Mr MacFarlane and Mrs Bokhari for their excellent judging skills.

Many thanks to the Vice Captains for compering the morning and welcoming our visitors into school.

A huge thank-you to the parents and carers who came along to show their support during the morning.  Also a huge thank-you to all of the parents and carers from the school community who helped prepare poems with all of our learners at home.  The level of commitment and effort when learning these difficult pieces of text, was phenomenal.

Well done to the girls from Primary 5 and Primary 7 who were keen to share their skills and talents in Highland dancing.  What a fantastic performance!

All of the pupils and staff members participated in preparations for the assembly with enthusiasm and dedication – another example of successful learning in Mid Calder Primary School!IMG_0999 IMG_1001 IMG_1023IMG_1065 IMG_1066IMG_1056 IMG_1057IMG_1052 IMG_1053 IMG_1054 IMG_1064IMG_1058 IMG_1059 IMG_1060 IMG_1063IMG_1061 IMG_1062 IMG_1073 IMG_1074 IMG_1075 IMG_1076IMG_1077 IMG_1078 IMG_1079 IMG_1080IMG_1070 IMG_1072 IMG_1082

Primary 5 measure up, but does our classroom?

Learning Intentions:
We are learning what a budget is and why it is important
We are learning to prioritise within a budget

We are learning to measure in cm and metres

Success Criteria:
I understand what a budget is and what it does
I can prioritise my choices and justify my selection
I can select the most efficient operation and calculate accurately

I can measure using rulers, measuring tapes and meter sticks
I can measure to the nearest cm

This week, the classes in the middle area received a special challenge from Miss Thompson- to redesign our classrooms for the 21st century! Miss Thompson is going to set us a budget, and we will use this to help us to create a design for a new room. We need to make sure that it is a classroom that is ready for us to learn and for our teachers to teach, but with some exciting new features!

To help us develop the skills we will need to complete this challenge, we started with a task in small groups where we had to plan a party with a budget of £200. We used our knowledge of the four operations to work out what we had spent and how much we had left. We presented our ideas to our peers and had to justify and explain our choices. This helped us to understand what a budget is, why it is important, as well as how to find clever ways to help us to stick to it.

Next, to get ready for the design aspect of our challenge, we had use the skills we have been learning in our class maths to measure different parts of our classroom so we know how much space we have to work with. We used a variety of measuring apparatus to measure objects in meters and centimeters, and even had to use a decimal point. We developed our teamwork and communication skills by working closely with our group to make decisions and to share out the task equally.

We can’t wait to get planning our designs! Watch this space…

Fraction Fun in P7!

This week in Primary 7 we have been consolidating our learning about fraction from P6 and progressing on to new learning.

In number talks we have been looking at strategies to help us with division.

In mental maths we remembered how to find a fraction of a number, for example 1/6 of 24. We know that our multiplication and division facts help us quickly recall the answers to these questions.

I can create a set of equal fractions and can decide if fractions are equal.

• I can use my knowledge of table facts and multiples to decide if fractions are equal
• I can create a series of fractions which are equal using my knowledge of table facts and multiples

In today’s lesson at our stations we:

Sum Dog: We had to find a fraction of a shape, order fractions and calculate equivalent fractions. When we are Sum Dog we are trying to develop our accuracy so we always score between 80-100%, we know that accuracy is important because we want to get the correct answer as quick as possible. We have been learning how to eliminate answers that do not make sense.

Game: We used the new fraction resources to make equivalent fractions, for example 1/3 = 2/6

Teaching table: We used the textbook to explore how to calculate equivalent fractions when pictures and diagrams are not available. We also completed some problem solving activities.

How to help at home:

  • Encourage me to play the Sum Dog fraction competition
  • Ensure I complete my fractions homework
  • Ask me the fraction of a number, for example what is 1/3 of 15.
  • Ask me my times tables and the related division facts.

Primary Two have been learning all about place value.

‘I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and can use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value. MNU 1-02a’

This week Primary Two have been learning all about place value and how to partition two digit numbers into tens and units. We really enjoyed using the ten and units to layout different numbers up to 100. Once we got the hang of this we then practised adding two digit numbers together by partitioning (adding the tens together and then the units). We worked very hard and can now add two digit numbers through using our knowledge of partitioning. By Thursday we were able to teach each other how to add two digit numbers! Well done to everyone in Primary Two you all worked very hard!

Mr Nelson.


