Category Archives: Maths & Numeracy

P1b Number Hunt

LI: We are learning to explore and understand numbers in our environment.

SC: I can find numbers around the school and playground.

SC: I can discuss the purpose of different numbers in my environment.

Primary 1b became number detectives this week. We explored our school and playground to look for numbers. We discovered that they are all around us and they have lots of different purposes.

There are lots of numbers in our classroom and playground for us to learn and play with:

“In school you can see numbers everywhere! We use them for counting and trying to recognise what                               number it is.”     Lucas

Daniel found numbers on our classroom date chart and Oscar found numbers on the clock in the infant department. These numbers help us to know what date and time it is. We also found numbers which help to organise lists, numbers which tell us how many points each house has, and numbers which help us to keep track of library books and story sacks.

As we hunted outside, we noticed numbers on the cars in the school car park. Finlay told everyone that these help us to know whose car it is.

We also shared some numbers we see outside of school. Isla MacKinnon, Aimee, Finlay and Brandon told us that the numbers on the front doors of their homes help them and the post man to know whose house it is. Kaitlyn has also noticed numbers on shop doors. These numbers sometimes help us to know what time shops open and close.

We are looking forward to hearing about all of the numbers the children find at home this weekend!


As you will be aware we have bought a Sum Dog Maths subscription for P5-7 pupils. This is an online gaming system that allows children to practise their mental maths skills. They can use this account at home. Please click here for more information. Pupils in P1-4 can make use of the free login in option at home, this is something parents can set up, please click here for more information.


Data Handling in Primary 5

Learning Intention:

We are learning to sort data using Venn, Carroll and tree diagrams

Success Criteria:

  • I can use and create Venn, Carroll and tree diagrams to help me to sort information by two and three criteria
  • I have compared how the same information is displayed differently in each diagram
  • I can choose an appropriate diagram to help me sort by more than two criteria
  • I can ask and answer questions using Venn, Carroll and tree diagrams

For the last three weeks, Primary 5 have been learning about the different ways that information and data can be sorted, and this week we have been learning about Venn, Carroll and Tree diagrams. We have been sorting numbers, letters, words and footballer profiles using different criteria. We have also been using Sumdog to help us learn.

P7 Rounding

We are learning to round a wide range of numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. MNU 2-01a

I can round to the nearest 10,100 and 1000 by looking at the digits and can explain the rule I have used.

I can explain the importance of looking at particular digits in a number when I am deciding how to round.

I can give examples of numbers which are rounded to a multiple of 10, 100, 1000.

This week in Maths we have been using our knowledge of place value to round numbers. We created posters to help us remember the rules of rounding. We have been completing text book activities, a Sum Dog challenge and have used some of our new resources to apply our knowledge of rounding.


Place Value

We are learning to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value. MNU 2-02a

We are learning to extend the range of whole numbers we can work with. MNU 2-02a

  • I can talk about the digits which make up a number and can work out what each digit represents (i.e. partitioning).
  • I can use an empty number line to show the position of numbers in relation to each other.
  • I can compare and order numbers (by looking at the most significant digits).

This week we have been exploring place value in 6 digit numbers and beyond. We can understand numbers using digits, words, pictures and the expanded form. We have completed written activities were we had to describe, order and explain numbers. Also we started our Sum Dog place value competition.

P6-5 and P5 Hat Workshops

Hat- Tastic IDL

Learning Intention

1. We are learning to create 3D sculptures which represent hat design for a purpose

2. We are learnng to use a variety of media and techniques to create our hat designs

Success Criteria
A successful design will have,
-a style
-a chosen base colour
-represent your personality
-2 elements in your design from the hat workshop

During the last two weeks, Primary 5 and Primary 6-5 have been very busy designing hats and learning about the design process. This will all come together in a final hat showcase at Howden Park Centre on the 17th June.

We first all had to read our design brief/challenge and then start thinking about how our hats would represent our personalities and be bright and colourful. During the design process, we recorded our ideas and thinking in our design journals. These entried included illustrations, sketches, labels, dates and an evaluation of each day.

We were lucky enough to have a professional Milliner visit us, Sally- Anne Provan, and she provided two hat workshops. These were fantastic experiences, allowing us to learn new skills from an expert and express our own creativity at the same time. We were measuring, cutting, gluing and working co-operatively during both of these workshops. In the end, the results were some amazing and individually styled hats!! We can’t wait to show them off next week to our parents. All parents are welcome to this event.