Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

Our New Friends in the Nursery

To help us remember our well being indicators we decided to give them names, SAFE Sophie, RESPONSIBLE Nina and Flynn the dog, ACTIVE Alfie, INCLUDED Pom Poms, Achieving Alex, RESPECTFUL Rookies and NURTURED Cookie. The children shared how the indicators helped them and decided to create a book to help them remember what the indicators were. Anyone who visits our nursery can have a look through our fantastic book to see our wonderful drawings and read what the children have written.

P7s Health and Well Being

Primary 7s enjoyed their first session today with Michelle from the West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service.

Together, we created Ciggy Simon to record the impact tobacco can have on a person.

Michelle recommended websites for us to look at:  What’s in a cigarette?

Our Homework is to give something up for a week and replace it with a healthy alternative.  We will record our progress daily and discuss this next time.

We discussed the chemicals in cigarettes – we learned that tar is in cigarettes and it is also found on road surfaces.  It kills cilia, the small hairs that protect the lungs.  It causes breathing problems and stains fingers and teeth.  We also learned that it’s in a cigarette because tar is created when you burn two or more chemicals together.

Michelle will be with us again next week and we have more questions for her.  We look forward to seeing her.

Ready, Steady, Spread with P1P!

LI: We are learning about preparing and handling food.
We are learning to follow a recipe.

SC: I can help prepare some foods as part of our food tasting afternoon.
I can taste some farm products, for example milk, cheese and vegetables.
I enjoy working with others as I prepare food.
I can work as an effective part of group.

P1P were learning all about sandwich making in class yesterday. To begin with we discussed the different ingredients we would need to make a simple ham and cheese sandwich and where these ingredients came from on the farm.
We worked together in small groups to make our delicious ham and cheese sandwiches. Some of us tried a bit of our sandwiches in class, and others took it home to show to and eat with their families.
The were super tasty!

The Nursery Bake Off!

The boys and girls have been taking part in bake off sessions in the nursery. So far they have made crispie cakes, scones, top hats and shortbread. They have enjoyed learning how chocolate melts, how to measure ingredients, the feeling and smells they experience while baking. We have all enjoyed this learning experience…including the staff! Keep watching for more bake off updates.

Tidy Toilets!!

Our House Captains and Vice Captains were keen to improve the school toilets for everyone and they’ve been working with other members of the school community to improve things and ensure they are a nicer place to be!  After discussions at House Meetings, they decided on rotas and rewards and put this in place a couple of weeks ago.  After counting up the scores today, they announced that the Upper Girls Toilets and the Infant Boys Toilets had the highest points.  They will have ‘fancy’ toilet paper and hand wash in their toilets next week.  A very big well done to everyone for trying hard and leaving the toilets as they would like to find them! 

P1P Get Squeaky Clean!

LI: We are learning about the importance of cleanliness.

SC: I can demonstrate how to wash my hands thoroughly.
I know that I have to wash my hands after touching an animal, and before preparing or eating food.
I can talk about key points in the day when I have to wash my hands.

This week in P1P, we have been getting prepared for our farm trip next week. We discussed the importance of washing our hands after touching animals and before eating or making food to prevent the spreading of germs.
We took part in germ experiment. Miss Prior squeezed glitter paint into our hands and we then had to shake hands, hi 5 and pass a pencil between us to show how easy it is to spread germs. We found that the group that washed their hands straight away didn’t spread any germs. We then made safety posters to let other people know how important it is to wash your hands.

Loch Insh Residential

As our residential week comes to end, I would like to say a big well done to all the pupils who attended. They all demonstrated their resilience and perseverance by trying all activities and not giving up. They also showed our school values of being responsible and respectful when visiting Culloden and the Highland Wildlife Park.

A big thank you also to Ms Richmond, Miss Sherlow, Miss Anderson, Mrs Combe and Mrs Findlay got attending camp with the pupils and making this trip possible.

It was great to see all the likes and comments on Twitter and we will try and add more photos to the blog next week.

Hope you all don’t have too much washing!