Category Archives: Outside of School

Primary 6 break a Guinness World Record

On Thursday 2nd June, Primary 6 pupils traveled to the Almondvale football stadium to participate in a world record attempt.

The attempt was to break the record for the largest Djembe drum ensemble, sustained for five minutes.

After working very hard in our music workshops, we arrived to sit in the front two rows, in our purple baseball caps.  We practiced the different sections and fills.  The noise in the stadium was incredible with over 400 pupils all playing the different rhythms at the same time!

We had lots of pictures and video clips taken from a variety of places, including a drone cam!

After a tense few minutes while the stewards collated their information, Anna from “Officially Amazing” announced to the excited audience that we had broken the world record and sustained the performance for 6 minutes 20 seconds!

We were delighted!  What an amazing experience and we are really looking forward to displaying our certificate proudly in our school.

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(Thank-you to the parents/carers who were able to come along to the event to support us!)

P7 Sports Festival

12 P7’s were chosen to represent Mid Calder Primary at this years sports festival held at Craigswood. They participated in both track and field events.

  • Long jump
  • shot putt
  • 600m
  • 80m sprint
  • boys and girls 4x relay.

The children behaved extremely well and supported each other as a team. They all gave 100% and pushed themselves to meet their full potential. Kasse was victorious in the shot putt and came home with a gold medal. Well done! We all had a fantastic day and enjoyed taking our skills from the gym hall to a competitive event.


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Primary 6 visit Edinburgh Castle

Primary 6 had a very exciting start to the new term, heading off to Edinburgh Castle for our “Redcoats and Rebels” workshop.

After a smooth coach trip to the castle, we left the 21st century behind when we were met by Captain Roberts the Redcoat and Mike the Jacobite.  After splitting into two groups, we each explored the defences, weapons and structure of Edinburgh Castle, learning all about how the Jacobitesimage1 image2 image3 image4 tried on many occasions to seize the castle from Government rule.  We then participated in workshops where we learned all about the daily life of a Redcoat soldier and a captured Jacobite leader.  We handled some objects which were used at the time and even had the chance to become the characters.  This was a jam packed, exhilarating way to spend our first day back of Term 4.  Have a look at our photos!

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P6 attend EUROQUIZ

On Friday 4th March, four Primary Six children visited Howden Park Centre, along with 18 other schools from across West Lothian, to participate in the annual Euroquiz.

There were lots of very tricky questions focused on the EU, history, sport and culture of countries within the EU and a variety of flag and country questions.

We participated really well and thoroughly enjoyed our morning.  A big thanks to Cole, Ayla, Jamie and Sean for doing so much preparation and studying for this event.  You did a great job!

West Lothian Schools Burns Festival 2016

Following our school Burns Competition, Lexie (P4), Cailin (P5), Luca (P6) and Abby (P7) were selected by our panel of judges to represent our school at the West Lothian Schools Festival 2016.

Tonight the four pupils attended the competitions at St. Kentigern’s Academy and recited their poems to the judges from Fauldhouse and Crofthead Burns Club and to an audience of guests from all across West Lothian.

Abby received the award for best verse speaking in the Primary 6/7 category. She received a Burns Trophy and an individual trophy. She will now be invited along to the National Burns Competition.

A huge well done to the pupils who confidently represented our school at this competition, and to their parents and teachers for supporting them.




4 Days to go till the ‘Mid Calder Bake-Off’!

Hope you have all had a great weekend and  managed to make the most of the fantastic weather…..but also hope you’ve been thinking, planning and shopping for you Bake-Off entry. I know Miss Burton has decided to bake for the first time…shopping was stressful for her and she had to ask myself where to buy ‘condensed milk’ in the supermarket…well done Miss Burton we look forward to seeing the finished bake.


Just a small reminder it’s only 4 DAYS to go – The Book Lions look forward to receiving all your contributions on Thursday morning. Parents/family if you could hand yours into the front office on Thursday morning a member of the Book Lions will be there to give you a form and receive your bake and recipe…we then look forward to seeing you in the hall from after 1.30!

Pupils please remember to bring your entry in appropriate packaging (if you would like this returned let us know on the day). We will distribute a card for you to complete and hand in with your bake (on Thursday) at school on Wednesday – don’t worry if you loose it we will have more on the day. Please don’t forget to bring a copy of the recipe to be sold/donated with your cake and remember to bring in your own donation to take another cake away!

We will also have a book swapping stall – so look those books out now and bring along any day this week.

Signing off…..lets get baking!

Ms Allsopp and The Book Lions

Community Crusaders visit Cunigar House!

During our last JLT session, the Community Crusaders went to Cunigar House in Mid Calder village to visit the tenants that live there. We went to Cunigar House to get to know our older community and to share our learning with them.

We brought along some games such as Kapla and Dominoes and some of our reading books and writing jotters.

Some of us enjoyed drawing pictures with the tenants.

“Cool Joe created a picture of Harry, Lucas and I.”- Naomi S, P1.

“At our table we enjoyed playing dominoes with Mrs. McCormack, Lewis and the ladies of Cunigar House.”- Ben S, P4.

“I enjoyed playing Castle Chase with Joy, and I think she enjoyed playing too.”- Erin C, P5.

“I shared my learning about Number Talks with Michael.”- Georgia S, P3.

“I drew Beth’s two budgies in a cage for her. One was green and one was blue. I also drew the school badge.”- Hana, P5/4.

At the end of our time there we joined together to sing ‘Caledonia’ and ‘Ye Canny Shove Yer Grannie’. The tenants seemed to really enjoy our singing. We all signed a card at the end to say thank you for having us and we hope to see you all again.

Have a look at some of our photos and videos of our time there! 🙂



Primary 1-3 ICT club

Over the past four weeks the children at the P1-3 ICT club have been learning from each other to:

– Program Beebot to travel along paths and mazes

– Use the paint tool in Purple Mash

– Access Sumdog

– Explore apps on our new IPads.

We have all learned new ICT skills as well as develop our communication and problem-solving skills whilst having great fun.

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