Category Archives: House Points

House Captain Election 2016

On Friday we held our annual House Captain Election. The presentations this year were of a very high standard and all P7s worked very hard to put together their manifestos under strict time limits. A big well done to all the Primary 7s who ran for election and congratulations to our new House and Vice Captains.


House Captain: Holly

Vice Captain: Sean


House Captain: Charlie T

Vice Captain: Louis


House Captain: Zach

Vice Captain: Grace


House Captain: Jamie

Vice Captain: Freya

Term 4: Achievement Assembly

On Friday we had our final Achievement Assembly of this session. Each class nominated one pupil to receive the Achievement Award for their class and parents and carers were invited along to watch the assembly.

We also presented Star Writer Awards, Magical Mathematician Awards, Top Scorer prizes, Smoke Free Homes certificates, ICT Awards and announced the winning house for the term.

Well done to everyone who received an award!

Sports Day 2016

The sun was shining on Mid Calder this morning as P1-7 went up to the field to take part in Sports Day. There was a range of activities on offer including: football shoot out, welly throwing, obstacle races, hurdles and lots more. A big thank you to Mrs Mitchell, our P.E. specialist for organising such a successful and enjoyable Sports Day and thank you to all the parents and families who came along to support the event.

Congratulations to Calderwood who were the overall winners!

Term 2 House Winners: Calderwood

Congratulations to Calderwood who won the House Cup in Term 2. Millie and Jamie organised a Glow Party which included, glow sticks, glow corners, games, dancing and lots of yummy food – chocolate fondue, popcorn, sweets and juice. A big well done to the house captain, vice captain and all the Primary 7s who helped to organise and run the party. A special thanks to Mrs Bokhari for helping with the food.

Well done Calderwood!

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Term 2: Achievement Assembly

On Friday we had our second Achievement Assembly of this session. Each class nominated one pupil to receive the Achievement Award for their class and parents and carers were invited along to watch the assembly.

We also gave out Star Writer Awards, Top Scorer prizes and announced the winning house for the term.

Well done who everyone who received an award!

Term 2 Star Writers
Term 2 Star Writers
Calderwood: Term 2 House Winners
Calderwood: Term 2 House Winners

Linhouse Movie Star Party

Today Linhouse celebrated winning the Term 1 house cup by organising a movie themed party. Everyone in the house dressed up as a character from the movie and had a celebration in the hall, which included games, dancing, a chocolate fountain and crushed ice drinks. A big well done to Callum and Romany for organising the party, and to the P7 helpers who helped served the food and organise the games. Also a big thank you to Mrs Bokhari who helped serve the food tidy up after.

Congratulations to Linhouse!


Term 1 Achievement Assembly

On Friday we had our first Achievement Assembly of this session. Each class nominated one pupil to receive the Achievement Award for their class and parents and carers were invited along to watch the assembly.

We also gave out Star Writer Awards, Top Scorer prizes, JRSO certificates and announced the winning house for the term. 

Well done who everyone who received an award!

 2015-10-16 achievement assembly nominees