All posts by Miss Burton

On the Ferry

Primary 6 and 7 had quite an adventure on the ferry! We enjoyed  lovely breakfast but then unfortunately some of us felt a little sick. Some of us went to the upper deck to chat and play games. On the way home the crossing was calmer, we had a yummy dinner including some of Kasse’s birthday cake and watched a film. Some of us went on the deck to look at the views.

Validated Self Evaluation

As you will know a team of Education Officers and Head Teachers visited our school this session to look closely at three quality indicators from How Good is Our School. During this time they observed learning; spoke to pupils, parents, staff and partners. From this focused visit the school has updated its self-evaluation summary.

You can read the full report here:

Self evaluation summary


March Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Another term has passed back so quickly. It has been an extremely busy term in the school and nursery. The focus of our learning has been centred around the Healthy Families Healthy Children project. Throughout the school there has been a progression of learning around the importance of a balanced diet as well as the importance of exercise. Each class has made a business link with some visits continuing into next term. Many thanks to the parents/carers who came along to the open morning at the start of March.

I wish you all a very relaxing Spring break.

Nicola Thompson

Head Teacher

March newsletter

Using a Calendar

We are  exploring how people plan and make decisions about their time and how these are recorded.  MNU 2-10a

– I can give examples of how people record times or dates that are important to them.

– I can interpret calendars and can ask and answer questions about the information they show.

This week Primary 6 have moved onto a different aspect of Maths – time. We started with a discussion about the different ways people record dates and important events. These included diaries, calendars, phones, electronic diaries, letters and post-its. Today during our rotations we investigated calendars. One group worked with Mrs Findlay to create their own calendar, then they had to devise questions about their calendar. One group worked with Miss Burton to find out dates of events from calendars. One group worked on Sum Dog to answer questions about calendars.