All posts by Miss Burton
November Newsletter 2015
Dear Parent/Carer,
Our pupils are beginning to rehearse for the nursery and the school nativity and I am sure that you will enjoy both the performances as our children showcase their talents. Following feedback from last year we will be issuing a letter on Monday 23rd November setting out the procedures for purchasing tickets. Please note that there will be no additional performances this year and it is the responsibility of each parent/carer to purchase tickets within the set timescales. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Nicola Thompson
Head Teacher
West Lothian Sum Dog Contest
West Lothian are running a Sum Dog contest from 13th – 18th November. All children in P5-7 can take part in the competition at home and school by clicking on contests or activities and selecting the West Lothian competition.
Good luck everyone!
Taking Maths Outside
We are learning to work out and record my division calculations in a variety of different ways. MNU 2-03a
- I can explain mental strategies for answering division questions.
- I can explain and demonstrate written strategies for answering 3 digit by 1 digit division problems with remainders.
Today we took our mental maths outside. First of all we had to see who could recall and write out their 6 times tables most accurately. We know that accuracy is important with our times tables because we want to be correct and quick.
Then we had our number talks session outside. This week we have starting taking part in Number Talks each day for 15 minutes. During number talks we mentally calculate the answer to three sums which get more difficult across the lesson and week. The most important part of Number Talks is we discuss the different strategies we used to get the answer. Today we wrote down the answer and then explained the strategy we used to our peers. We have only been using Number Talks for 3 days and already we feel:
- ‘Mental Maths is more fun!’
- ‘We feel more confident because we discuss strategies more’.
- ‘We are getting quicker at answering sums’.
- ‘We can use other children’s strategies’.
- ‘It helps us with our number work’.
We moved on to look at how to use written strategies to find the answers to division sums with bigger numbers. Some of us were the teacher and shared our strategies on the whiteboard then we had three activities to complete:
- Sum Dog division and multiplication challenge
- 3 in a row game: We had to pick a 3 digit number, our partner gave us a 2 digit number using a spinner and we had to calculate the answer. If we got it correct we put a counter on the gameboard.
- Division assessment
We now feel more confident about the process of division because of all the different activities we have taken part in this week.
Homework help: You can support your child at home by continually asking them to say their times tables as a sum, for example 6 x 5 = 30 and asking them the related division fact, 30 divided by 6. Also encourage them to take part in the Sum Dog competition online, a different competition is set each week related to the concept they are learning in class.
Linhouse Movie Star Party
Today Linhouse celebrated winning the Term 1 house cup by organising a movie themed party. Everyone in the house dressed up as a character from the movie and had a celebration in the hall, which included games, dancing, a chocolate fountain and crushed ice drinks. A big well done to Callum and Romany for organising the party, and to the P7 helpers who helped served the food and organise the games. Also a big thank you to Mrs Bokhari who helped serve the food tidy up after.
Congratulations to Linhouse!
Homework: Reading at home
At this website you will find ideas to support your child’s reading development at home:
Homework: Reading Books
A range of free electronic books are available through this website:
Homework: Using Purple Mash at home to support literacy and numeracy
All pupils will soon have a Purple Mash login in their reading records or homework diary. Purple Mash helps develop literacy and numeracy skills in relevant and engaging ways whilst promoting ICT skills.
You can find out more about Purple Mash by clicking here.
Pupils can log into Purple Mash using their logon through the following link:
Homework: Sum Dog
As you know pupils in P5-7 have a Sum Dog login, Sum Dog helps develop pupils numeracy skills by asking them mathematical questions (related to what they have been learning in class) and also helps to develop accuracy and speed. Pupils should be encouraged to use their log in at home through the Sum Dog website or by downloading the Sum Dog app to your device.
If your child is in P1-4 you can create them a Sum Dog account.
For more information visit:
Sportshall Festival
Congratulations to our Primary 7 pupils who recently won the Cluster Sportshall Festival! They will be invited to the regional finals in the new year.