All posts by Mrs Campbell

Primary 5C Class Charter

All of P5c are very excited about the start of our P5 journey and looking forward to all of the challenges ahead. We have spent the first 2 weeks of term getting to know one another and deciding what we need to do to ensure we have a safe, calm and happy environment to work in. The boys and girls decided on a ‘Busy Bee’ theme for our class charter, as we are all expecting to be kept very busy in the coming months…

We revisited our school values and the children came up with lots of ways in which we can make sure these are upheld. We then decided on which childrens’ rights to include and discussed what we will need to do to ensure everyone’s rights are met; these were displayed on flowers which we made to keep our bees busy!

We have all signed our class contract and hopefully our P5c Charter will help us to have a happy and successful year this session.


P5a Transition Challenge


L.I. we are learning to encourage learning and confidence in others

We are learning to recognise our skills and abilities and discuss our learning

We are learning to support others in preparing for their next stage at school.

This week in class, P5a worked in groups to prepare a presentation for the current P4s all about their transition to Primary 5. Each group focused on a different curricular area; Inter -Disciplinary Learning, Health & Wellbeing, Maths and Language. One group also focused on the routines of the school day and the extra responsibilities of being in P5.

As a group, we reflected on the learning which has taken place throughout our P5 journey. It was fun to remember all of the things we’ve done and we had to jog our memories to think of everything and make sure we didn’t forget anything!

We used Powerpoint and Sway and tried to make our presentations interesting and informative; we hopefully made our P5 experience sound like fun. After each group had presented, we answered questions from P4s.

Some of the things they wanted to know were;

‘Will we have the same lunchtimes?

‘Will we do all the same topics?’

‘Will the Maths be harder?’.

We hopefully gave full answers to all their questions and we tried to reassure them about moving on to the next stage in their school life.

Primary 5 aiment le francais!

L.I. To read and understand French vocabulary

S.C. I can read and say some simple words and phrases in French

I can follow instructions in French

I can ask and respond to simple questions in the target language


In French this week, Primary 5 were consolidating their knowledge of colours, numbers and some food types. The children regularly use digital technology to enhance and extend their learning in French and this week was no exception. Using the Digital Dialects website they matched words to pictures in an interactive game to help consolidate their knowledge of fruit and vegetable names. They also used Google Translate to find the meanings of words and phrases related to our Lion King learning context. P5s are becoming increasingly confident in French and are enjoying using different ways of learning.

Niamh S said, ‘I thought using Google Translate was much more fun than using an ordinary dictionary’

Lucy P said, ‘Using the games on Digital Dialects helps me to remember the words better’




The Lion King

L.I. We are learning about the marketing of a show

We are learning to design and create a ticket/programme

S.C. – I can use persuasive language and present my information clearly

-I can include the key dates and information, i.e. venue, date, time price

Rehearsals are well underway for our Middle Area show and Primary 5 have been working hard this week on some behind-the-scenes preparations.

Our Marketing team have begun putting together a blog post to share information about the upcoming show; they have used persuasive language in their post and lots of highly descriptive language to hook in readers and convince them not to miss this fantastic production!

Our Ticketing and Programme teams have also been hard at work putting together a draft programme and sharing ideas for how we want our tickets to look. They have discussed the key information which needs to be included on both tickets and programmes and have tried to come up with designs which are simple but effective, bearing in mind that we will (hopefully!) have lots of tickets to print.

All of our teams are full of enthusiasm for the show and we ‘just can’t wait’ for you to see it…

P5s Easter Poetry

L.I. We are learning to use interesting vocabulary to write a poem about Easter.

S.C. -I can use features specific to a poem

– I can include key vocabulary linked to the topic

– I can include examples of rhyme

– I can use interesting verbs and adjectives to describe my chosen subject


As we look forward to the Easter season, P5a have been learning about the true meaning behind this special time of year.

We were asked by Mrs McKenzie to write some Easter poems to be recited as part of our Easter service at Kirk of Calder.

We worked in groups to come up with a bank of rhyming words and shared some examples of Easter poems.

Leah Schmidt and Niamh Sher had their poems selected to be read at the service. Both girls included some excellent examples of rhyme and worked hard to uplevel their poems after receiving feedback.

They read their poems aloud beautifully at the church and really helped everyone to get into the spirit of Easter – well done, girls!

Kidnapped! Mission 8: Tyre Track

L.I. We are learning to use line symmetry to complete an image

S.C.- I understand the terms symmetry and symmetrical and can use a mirror to help me complete a symmetrical pattern

-I can use my completed symmetrical pattern to match to an identical pattern

Primary 5 received communication from Police HQ telling us about the discovery of a partial tyre track which was found close to the home of Alan Green. Unfortunately the track found was too incomplete to be able to match it to a vehicle so we were given the task of trying to complete the image.

We inspected the track and found that half the tread was missing so we were able to use our knowledge of line symmetry to complete the whole tyre track.

We used a mirror to give us an impression of what the complete pattern would look like and then used the squares on the grid to ensure our mirror image was absolutely accurate. It took us a long time and quite a few attempts to get our symmetrical patterns right , but we eventually managed to produce the completed image. This allowed us to match it against the tyre tracks on Police HQ’s database and narrow down the make of vehicle which had left it.

We were able to demonstrate our knowledge about line symmetry during our STEM open day when parents and carers came into school to find out about our topic.


L.I. We are learning to select key information from a description.

As part of our STEM topic, ‘KIDNAPPED’, Primary 5 have been helping the police in their search for the missing Green children who have been kidnapped from their home. This week we decided to create some Missing Persons posters to help with the investigation. We revised all the information we already had about the children and the circumstances of their disappearance.

In our investigation groups we discussed the information we had and selected the key points to include in our posters. We agreed that they had to:

  • be eyecatching, to hook people in
  • provide as much accurate information about the children as possible
  • give details of the date and time of the disappearance
  • give an accurate representation of how the children look
  • provide details of who to contact with information

Once we had planned our posters, we got to work in our teams and managed to produce some really eye-catching posters. We are hoping to get permission to display some around the school – look out for them!

P5a Preparing for Disaster!

L.I. We are learning to prepare for an emergency

  • I understand the difference between needs and wants
  • I can create a visual of a disaster pack and explain why I have chosen specific items

As part of our IDL topic on Natural Disasters, we learned about Earthquake Preparedness and how this is taught to children and families who live in areas which experience frequent earthquakes, such as Japan and the West coast of America. After watching a couple of drills, P5 were very keen to try it out for themselves. We discussed the need for a designated marshal, whose job it is to organise everyone if there is no adult available. We learned about Drop, Cover and Hold which is a way of protecting ourselves from falling debris – after that, all we had to do was carry on with our morning and wait for the siren! It came as a big surprise to everyone but we managed to take cover quickly and then get to a safe place.

We have also been discussing the things we would include in a disaster pack – essential things we would take with us if we had to be evacuated. It was a difficult decision as we had to really think hard about the difference between needs and wants – we found that we would have to leave many of our favourite things behind and take only the things we really need to keep us warm, clean, fed and watered.

Hopefully we will never be involved in a natural disaster, but if we are we will be prepared!

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P5a Maths

P5a Maths

Learning Intention:

We are learning to display information in frequency tables and bar charts and understand the impact of scale on these

Success Criteria:

  • I can ask and answer questions about information displayed in frequency tables and bar graphs
  • I understand the impact of scale on pictograms and bar graphs and can use this to make sensible choices about what scale to use
  • I can create my own pictogram or bar graph choosing an appropriate scale, labels for axes and title
  • I can ask and answer questions about bar line graphs

As part of our IDL topic on Natural Disasters, we have been learning about different ways of displaying data and how to interpret information shown on charts and graphs.

We looked at a selection of graphs and answered questions about the data displayed on them. We then surveyed our class and created our own graphs. When we could confidently do this, we looked at data about volcanic eruptions around the world and created bar graphs to show the number of deaths caused by these.  As we were working with large numbers we had to adjust the scale of our graphs accordingly to ensure they were accurate and that they would fit on the page! Next we will be learning how to create pie charts and line graphs.