All posts by Mrs Murray

P7 Sports Festival

12 P7’s were chosen to represent Mid Calder Primary at this years sports festival held at Craigswood. They participated in both track and field events.

  • Long jump
  • shot putt
  • 600m
  • 80m sprint
  • boys and girls 4x relay.

The children behaved extremely well and supported each other as a team. They all gave 100% and pushed themselves to meet their full potential. Kasse was victorious in the shot putt and came home with a gold medal. Well done! We all had a fantastic day and enjoyed taking our skills from the gym hall to a competitive event.


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P7 at Glasgow Science Centre

‘bmfy f ifd’!!! Only P7’s will be able to read this coded message that we learned about today at Glasgow Science Centre!

What a fantastic day. First up was a workshop to learn more about Caesar Cipher and cracking cryptography. The children will be able to take their code cracking skills back to school and use them in our CSI topic.

We then had a chance to look around the interactive games in the Science Malls. On floor 3 we took on the role of the snot barrier, burned some energy in the giant hamster wheel, performed a virtual autopsy and bust some moves at the DNA disco. Floor 1 offered us more inspiring games that made our minds work. We had to offer ideas on how to meet ever increasing energy demands without breaking the bank or damaging the environment, we had the chance to feel the force of wind in a hurricane booth, find out what happens in a nuclear chain reaction and  crank the handles to generate enough power to race around a Scalextric track.

All of the activities were testing different skills – strength, patience, concentration, reaction times, organisation and team work.

In the afternoon we went to the workshop ‘My World of Work – All about Me’. We learned about our personality traits by completing the personality quiz, used the careers information wall to discover more about different careers linked to STEM and we were able to talk to a High School career officer about what subjects we should study if we were interested in working in one of these roles.

Staff from the Science Centre commented on the superb behaviour of the P7’s, how hard they worked and were impressed by there knowledge of STEM and code cracking. Well done P7 – another great day out. Your teachers are very ‘uwtzi’ (proud – caesars cipher)!

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P5 go Samba wild!

Primary 5 took part in a fantastic music workshop today, with musicians who will perform for us tomorrow at the Catapluf Musical event. We learned about music in Brazil and Uruguay. We used or body to play music, played call and response games and then got the chance to play some of the instruments they had brought along to school.

They were right with their motto – playing music is ‘fun for free’! P5 loved grooving to the music and had smiles on their faces throughout. We are very excited about our adventure tomorrow now!

“Let us play samba, Let us play samba!”

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P5 Maths – Nets

We are learning to identify the nets of 3D shapes.

I can look at a 3D object and visualise the net that it is made from.

From my visualisation, I can make  a net to create a simple 3D object.

I can take apart a hollow 3D object to create its net.

We’ve had a lovely time in P5 the last couple of days, while Miss Sherlow is relaxing at school camp!! We have been investigating nets of 3D shapes, using polydron to construct 3D shapes then taking them apart to look closer at the nets. We were able to match different nets to 3D shapes and also looked at different nets that made the same shape. Here are some examples of our work: –

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Be smart, Be like P7/6

This week P7/6 were learning about how to be safe on the internet. We used the Be like Bill concept and made up our own to create the perfect internet safety pupil.

This is P7/6.

We don’t post personal information on the internet.

We keep our password private and don’t talk to people we don’t know.

We don’t post photos of other people without their permission.

We are kind to our friends and don’t post cruel comments. We don’t post when we are going on holiday.

P7/6 are smart.

Be like P7/6.

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P7/6 Burns Poems

It is that time of year again when we celebrate the birth of one of Scotland’s greatest poets, Robert Burns. In Primary 7/6 we have been asked to learn one of the poems in the link below. There are 3 options for P7 and 3 options for P6. We will be reciting our poems in class next Wednesday (21st January), with two class representatives being selected to perform at the Burns assembly. The assembly will take place on the 22nd January. So get your best Scottish accents on and make Robert Burns proud.

Primary 6 burns poems

Primary 7 Burns Poems


To show that you are Winter Ready and are able to access the blog if the school is closed,  please leave a comment with your name and what poem you will be reciting.

Good Luck!

P7 High School Transition Visit

P7 group 1’s have had a fantastic time attending the high school CDT department with Dr Cherry. The children were able to use sawing equipment,  vices and sanding equipment to make a wooden spatula. They used olive oil to treat the wood before use. It was a great opportunity to explore the school and get a feel for the various departments and learn more about the knowledge and skills  they will experience. The children listened well, followed instructions, worked hard to reach their full potential and paid attention to safety rules. They were a credit to themselves and the school. Well done P7, I was very proud of you.

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