Tag Archives: Internet Safety

Be smart, Be like P7/6

This week P7/6 were learning about how to be safe on the internet. We used the Be like Bill concept and made up our own to create the perfect internet safety pupil.

This is P7/6.

We don’t post personal information on the internet.

We keep our password private and don’t talk to people we don’t know.

We don’t post photos of other people without their permission.

We are kind to our friends and don’t post cruel comments. We don’t post when we are going on holiday.

P7/6 are smart.

Be like P7/6.

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P7 Internet Safety

On Tuesday the 9th of February it was Internet Safety Day. P7 took part in some activities based on Internet Safety. Miss Anderson gave us some cards with actions on them such as, you are annoyed, disagree with everyone, you are sad, agree with everyone. We then had to walk around the classroom and when someone spoke to you we had to act them out to create the online feel. Miss Anderson then showed us some online messages and comments,we then had to go to the emotion that it made us feel; upset, happy, curious, laugh it off, not bothered, angry and worried. We then discussed why the messaged made us feel a certain way. Finally we watched a video about the ‘Magna Carter’ ( a document that establishes the principle that everyone is subject to the law) of online rules. As a class we then thought about what rules we would like to see the internet have to ensure that everyone is safe online.

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We hope that everyone has a fantastic but safe February break!

Miss Anderson & P7