Story Telling and Number Talks in the Nursery (AM Class)


Rosie said, “I writed my name then told the story of Jack and Beanstalk.”


Jack went to the market to sell the cow. He got some beans. His mum threw them out. The beanstalk grew up and up—-very big. Jack climbed to the castle. He met the giant–fee,fo,fi,fum.

Nairne said, ” I was writing my name in my little notebook. I drew some pictures.”


Jack went to the market. He saw a man with magic beans. His mum threw the beans out of the window. The beanstalk grew. Jack climbed up the beanstalk to the castle. A giant was there. Jack ran away with the pennies and the hen.”

Carlie has been making numbers.It is a countdown, 10, 9, 8 ,7 ,6 ,5 ,4 ,3,2,1,0, Blast Off ” she said.

Jack said, ” I am writing my numbers –hundred eight. I took it home to show mum. I like writing big numbers.”

One thought on “Story Telling and Number Talks in the Nursery (AM Class)”

  1. Looks like you have had a busy week. I’m looking forward to hearing your stories and seeing you all on Monday.

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