Afternoon Nursery Tea Party

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The afternoon children were very excited about the tea party. Ollie said, “We were making triangles for our bunting in the Willow Tea Room.”  “I made flowers, I folded the triangles.” said Eloise.

Jake said,”At pop in and play, I was eating the cakes with mum. I was showing mum round the nursery.”

Jessica was playing with mum at the big bricks. She was being the big bad wolf. I had fun being one of the little pigs.

“My mummy was having tea in the kitchen- I was eating shortbread.” said Logan.

Granny Joyce was so surprised when Connor handed her his card and daffodil.

Cayla said, ” I gave mummy a card and a daffodil when she came to the tea party. Mum showed me how to draw a ladybird.”


Max made a painting of Jack and the Beanstalk. He said, “ I mixed white paint and black paint to make the castle grey.”

Lacy said, “I made Jack and the Beanstalk- the magic beans grew into a huge beanstalk. Jack climbed all the way up to the castle.”

Jake said, “ I am making a gadget- it is a periscope to see things far away. It is on wheels so I can move it about easily.”


One thought on “Afternoon Nursery Tea Party”

  1. A super afternoon to celebrate those special people who take good care of us. We hope you enjoyed your special tea, cards and songs. We enjoyed having you in the nursery and sharing our learning with you.

    Thank you to our committed nursery staff for organising.

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