P5/4 Rainforest Animal Art

Learning Intention – We are learning to create accurate images. (EXA 2-04a)

Success Criteria – I can carefully observe a photograph to create detailed images.

We searched for photographs on the internet of our chosen rainforest animals. Then we drew an outline of our animal onto black paper using black oil pastels. Next, we introduced some colour using chalk pastels. After that, we drew in a background for our image.

“I’ve never worked with chalk pastels before. It was ok but I didn’t like the feel of them!” (Cade)

“I’d not heard of oil pastels before but I enjoyed using them.” (Freya)

“I enjoyed researching on the netbooks with a partner and getting my hands messy!” (Kirsty)

“I enjoyed sharing ideas with my partner to help each other do a good job.” (Niamh)


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6 thoughts on “P5/4 Rainforest Animal Art”

  1. These pictures look amazing P5/4. Your line drawings of your researched animal are clear and the use of lines and colour make your pictures look vibrant.

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