Modern Art Gallery Trip January 2017

naomi fraser  boys-buildingboys-buildingcotton-rivernaomifraser

untitledthe-three-lassiesrummaging-everyday-materialspaintingPrimary 2/3 loved their trip to the galleries of modern art in Edinburgh on Monday. They were going to look at some of Joan Eardley’s paintings and drawings. They were asked lots of questions by Fraser, an artist guide. They had to respond with what they saw and felt about the art works. James thought that Fraser was really kind and he learnt that anyone can be an artist. James found out that artists have to do a sketch before they do a painting. Cara learnt that Joan had done a lots of seascapes and landscapes. Rhuairdh learnt that Joan also painted portraits of children from Glasgow and the streets.
Miss Brolls ran two painting workshops to teach the children how to paint in layers, using ‘dirty’ colours. The children had to mix their colours on a palette using yellow ochre, cobalt blue, white and black. They made washes of colour with lots of water. They saw statues and artists’ models and Lucas loved Vulcan the large iron giant sculpture.

James learnt that dark colours such as grey and black shading a colour makes it ‘dirty’. He also used dry brush strokes to create more texture with his layers.

Now P2/3 have added dried grasses from Catterline, where Joan worked to add a final layer. Their mini-masterpieces are displayed in the art room in school.

By Cara, James and Rhuairdh with some help from Miss Brolls

One thought on “Modern Art Gallery Trip January 2017”

  1. it told me a lot about the gallery and Joan Eardley paintings by myah
    it told me a lot about Joan eardlys paintings by lauren

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