P5 Weekly News

We have had a busy week as always and doing some great work. We have been learning about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate this, we have been discussing our class assembly and how we’re going start this and what we need to do.

Read on to hear what else has been going on in class.

  • Liam – we were doing fitness again in PE and continuing to improve at the circuit stations we are using.
  • Leona – we were sequencing of stories and creating timeline for ours which we will write next week.
  • Madison – we were creating a twist  for our stories as well
  • Leannah – we finished off our volcanoes paintings and Mrs Rankin is hoping to get these up outside our room next week.
  • Amelia S – we have finished 2D & 3D shape and have moved onto division in maths.
  • Robert – we were trying to find stars at breaktime today to earn a house point but none of our class found one.
  • Mia – we were looking at what we’ll do for our class assembly and have chosen what we’d like to do.
  • Katie – we had Aimie in for Star Harmonies on Tuesday this week instead of Thursday and we are nearly finished learning the dance.
  • Anna – some of us had Tanking Around on Tuesday morning – it was great fun!
  • Leona – we contributed to our school newspaper  – first edition was brought around today which we read.

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly News

Well it has been Halloween week and there has been some spooky goings on in school with skeletons appearing and some eerie music being heard around the building! We have had a good week this week so please read on to hear all about it.

  • Brooke – with Mrs Zohoorian we were learning about water pollution.
  • Danielis – we were making paper pumpkins for Halloween.
  • Leannah – in PE we were looking fitness and had different stations to do different exercises.
  • Anna – at the Halloween disco all of the girls were doing a dance and Miss Wallace joined in!
  • Leona – we had Star Harmonies with Aimie this week again.
  • Amelia S – we were working on our handwriting this week.
  • Anna – in maths we have been looking at the nets of 3D shapes.
  • Leannah – we were working on developing characters for a spooky story in writing this week.
  • Kerry – our class had Chatter Matters this week with 6 of us going along to meet Mr Crichton and talk about our writing.
  • Leona – we were doing Grammar and looking similies.
  • Leannah – 3 of us (Cameron, Madison & Leannah) went to Waterstones with Miss Smith on Thursday morning. We had a list of books the class asked for and we managed to get quite a few off the list!
  • Daniel – we were doing Halloween mosaics with multiplication calculations.
  • Anna – some of the class have been selected to attend Tank Academy on Tuesday morning. We’re looking forward to it!

Mrs Rankin has been clearing out at home and found a P1 picture special from the West Lothian Courier which had her son in it. On closing this over, she noticed Letham Primary picture on the front page which the now P5s were in! She showed us the picture and we all had a laugh looking at how different we looked. Some of us haven’t really changed though! The pictures are on the blog for you all to see again.


Have a good weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly News

Well we all made it back to school this week after our holiday last week. Everyone enjoyed their time off but now to get re-focused and get back into the swing of our routine. We have had a good first week back. Read on to hear what we have been up to.

  • Leannah – in PE we did the bleep test to see how fit we are just now and we’ll complete it again after our block of fitness to see if we can improve.
  • Amelia B – in maths we have been looking at 2D shapes before moving onto to 3D shapes and their nets.
  • Brooke – Aimie was in again this week for Star Harmonies. We sang through our whole song and managed to see the whole dance routine for the first time.
  • Amelia S – this morning Mrs Rankin used Plickers to see how our knowledge of 2D shapes is.
  • Leona – in writing this week we were writing the opening paragraph for a spooky story.
  • Katie – Mrs Fairley was in class on Thursday afternoon for a little while and we were working on Roberto Britto art we had started with her before the holiday.
  • Brooke – we were completing our vocabulary word bank we started before the holiday to help us with out spooky writing.
  • Anna – a wee reminder that we have the school Halloween Disco next Thursday the 1st Nov.
  • Amelia S – we had an assembly this week with Mrs Fairley. This was on being active from the SHANARRI wheel.
  • Leona – also in PE we wrote down why fitness is important and what impact it has on our bodies.

Have a lovely weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly News

Well we have reached the last week of this first term and when we look back, we have been quite busy! We are all looking forward to our holidays but also to next term.

Please read on to hear what we have been up to in class this week.

  • Leona – we has Aimie in again from Star Harmonies for our 4th week working her on Matilda.
  • Junior – we did volcano art this week and some of us managed to finish these off.
  • Amelia S – in PE this week we played Dodgeball and Hoop Hop.
  • Daniel – in Star Harmonies we had to sit down and close our eyes and think about what we had been doing in the morning up until then.
  • Anna – we started on narrative writing and we will be continuing on with this after the holidays writing spooky stories.
  • Kerry – we had Mrs Fairley on Wednesday afternoon. We were doing art with her in class.
  • Junior – it was Parent’s evening this week.
  • Lucas – we did a Smart Start of writing a postcard as if we were visiting the moon.
  • Abby – in Star Harmonies, Aimie showed us her morning routine.
  • Chloe – this morning we listened to some spooky sounds and created a word bank for our writing.
  • Anna – we tidied out our trays and smart sacks and some were messy!
  • Madison – in Star Harmonies we acted out the characters from the book Matilda.



We are looking forward to our holidays and the pupils are off all of next week and Monday 22nd October, returning back to school on Tuesday 23rd October.

Have a lovely time off!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

Primary 5 Weekly News

Here we are with one full week left of the term. We have had another good week in class, having had our first trip out of school as well to Inveralmond Community High School for the Handball Festival with some of our cluster schools.

Read on to hear what else we have been doing.

  • Leona – we had the P6 class assembly today about space. They did really well and we enjoyed it.
  • Chloe – during PE we played our last games of handball.
  • Kerry – in maths we have been doing money and adding up money.
  • Anna – our First Minister Reading Challenge has just began with the books arriving for us to update what we have been reading this year so far.
  • Leannah – we have been working on our Natural Disasters topic. We looked into the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia which happened last weekend.
  • Brooke – we had Star Harmonies this week again and we had Aimee’s Mum helped her this week since Aimee has lost her voice!
  • Daniel – we wrote acrostic poems for the National Poetry Day on Thursday about Letham.
  • Danny – we made posters to help prevent people from littering with plastic items as we know the dangers this causes to the animals and environment.
  • Leannah – we have been working on why we like reading and designed a small picture to help decorate our class bookcase.

Just a reminder that it’s Parent’s Evening next week and letters were sent home with the details of how to book an appointment on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. If your child did not pass this on, please see the school Facebook page as a copy of this has also been posted.

Here are a few pictures

Have a lovely weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly News

This week has been another good week and busy! We have been preparing for the MacMillan Coffee Morning this week by making bunting and making biscuits for this.

Read on to hear what else we have been up to.

  • Amelia B – we were decorating biscuits for the MacMillan Coffee Morning on Thursday.
  • Junior – we were doing some problem solving in maths this week with some fun starters.
  • Madison – there was a fire alarm on Thursday due to a burnt gingerbread man!
  • Anna – we are off and running with homework this week. We’ll get it handed out on a Monday and we need to hand it back in on Friday to Mrs Rankin.
  • Abby – we were playing handball games in PE this week and we were split into teams playing against one another. Good practise for our Handball Festival on Tuesday!
  • Brooke – we had Star Harmonies again this week.
  • Daniel – in Star Harmonies we were practicing our singing at the start of the song and at the end Aimee gave us 20 second challenges to make items in small groups. Some of these were – a stack of books, a newt, a swing and a chocolate cake!
  • Madison – we wrote our last set of instructional writing this week. We wrote about how to decorate biscuits.
  • Robert – with Mrs Zohoorian we used the laptops to play water cycle games and we had to find out more about the water cycle ourselves.
  • All – we got to visit the coffee morning this morning to get cake and juice and to take part in some of the activities going on.


Have a great weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly Blog – A shorter week

Well this has been a short week for us all due to the long weekend. We did have a busy few days though. Read on to hear what we have been up to.

  • Katie – We were looking at the water cycle with Mrs Zohoorian and drew pictures of how it works.
  • Liam – we were finding out more about earthquakes for our Natural Disaster topic. We looked at the tectonic plates and the scales for how earthquakes are measured.
  • Leannah – Newsround told us about how this is Spider Month and how they are all looking at getting inside now. They aren’t cold but are looking for a mate.
  • Mia – also in Newsround this week, we were told how slime is bad for the environment and how we can change our ingredients to help more.
  • Leona – in maths we were doing addition and subtraction mentally.
  • Anna – we had the first week of ten sessions with Star Harmonies on Thursday morning. We are looking at Matilda by Roald Dahl during these sessions.
  • Junior – in PE this week we were playing badminton and were looking at our hitting and passing skills.
  • Madison – for assembly this morning, myself, Kerry, Amelia B from P5 and Poppy & Rebecca, both P7, gave a gymnastic display during the assembly.
  • Anna – we were creating bunting/posters this week for the MacMillan coffee morning next week.

Just a reminder that for Golden Time on a Friday, we are promoting the playing of board games. This will save pupils from bringing in their toys from home. We have a few games in class for everyone to play so they don’t need to bring in toys from home.

Here are a few pictures from today’s Golden Time with games.

Have a nice weekend!



Primary 5 Weekly News

Well here we are already approaching our first holiday of the new school year. We have had another busy week with it being Maths week, Roald Dahl Day and fitting in our other areas of the curriculum.

Read on to hear more.

  • Junior – we now have a wall in class called the Shout Out Wall which is being used to for great work, kindness and anything else positive happening in our Classroom. Our names will be put up with what we have been doing.
  • Anna – we entered our first SumDog competition of the year! We all got logged in for the first time this year and can access this from home as well!
  • Leannah – we have been learning about Natural Disasters by using the laptops and creating a poster with facts.
  • Mia – we were instructional writing and working on our layout – we wrote a recipe on how to make a sandwich (filling of choice)
  • Daniel – we have been asked to look through our cupboards to see if there are any old, unused board games that could maybe be donated to the school for us to use at Golden Time.
  • Kerry – in maths we were working on mental strategies for addition of 2-digit numbers.
  • Madison – we celebrated Roald Dahl day by watching a Live show and completing some activitis relating to his books.
  • Anna – we finished off our Kandinsksy art.
  • Junior – This week was Scottish Maths week – we played Round the World and a Maths treasure hunt within our classroom and lots more maths!

It’s an extra long weekend this weekend so enjoy Family Movie afternoon to those going and we’re all back in school next Wednesday!

Have a lovely long weekend.


P5 Weekly Update – Week Ending 7th Sep 18

Another quick week here in Primary 5 where we had 2 birthdays in class. Anna & Gordon both turned 9 this week – Happy Birthday again to you both!

Read on to hear what we have been up to in class this week:

  • Leannah – in PE we continued with Handball and were working on skills of throwing and catching the ball.
  • Mia – we were working on the school values to see how we use these in the classroom and paired up with people to work together.
  • Liam – we have been doing lots of Place value and started looking at Rounding.
  • Anna – we celebrated Gordon and I’s birthdays this week!
  • Junior – we started on our topic and we were researching about different natural disasters.
  • Cameron – Mrs Zohoorian continued working on STEM with us looking at solids, liquids and gasses.
  • Junior – in reading this week we have been working on our Prior Knowledge this week and how we can predict what may happen.
  • Abby – we were using the laptops this week.
  • Leona – in writing we continued with instructional writing and wrote instructions how to play Hoop Hop.



P5 Weekly Update – Week Ending 31st Aug 18

Well our first full week in class was a quick one after or shorter week last week. We got through a lot!

Read on to hear what we have been up to.


  • Leona – we were writing stories about out a World’s Worst Monster/alien/animal which relates to our class novel of World’s Worst Children!
  • Junior – in art we looked at the artist Kandinksy’s work for inspiration in creating our own abstract creations for the classroom walls.
  • Gordon – in maths we were looking at Place Value and learning about partitioning.
  • Abby – we were answering some questions using Plickers for Place Value.
  • Cameron – PE – in PE we played Hoop Hop for the first time which was great fun along with a few other games.
  • Leannah – Mrs Zohoorian on Wednesday afternoon was looking at Solids, Liquids and Gasses with us.
  • Madison – we got see balloons filled with gas, liquid and solids – we touched one with ice.
  • Brooke – we finished off our bookmarks so Mrs Rankin could laminate them for us.
  • Amelia S – we had a visit from the Dental Nurse talking about sugary snacks. We couldn’t believe how much sugar some drinks and sweets have in them and she explained when we should eat our treats to be kind to our teeth.
  • Ameila S / Anna – Miss Wallace had an assembly – we looked at Safe from the SHANARRI wheel.

Have a great weekend!


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