Category Archives: Primary 7

The Risk Factory

Not long ago primary 7 went to the Risk Factory. The Risk Factory is a place you go to risk dangerous situations and how to get out of then without getting hurt. I’m not going to go far into detail because I don’t want to spoil it for you but it is a lot of fun!

By Gabrielle

Moving Toys

Quite recently in P7 we have been investigating and making our own moving toys. Firstly we had to learn about how a moving toy moves and what everything was. We started making paper toys and now we have moved on to wooden toys and they are almost done now. It was complicated at first but we understand finally.

By Danielle





By Chardonnay and Michal

Today in Letham Primary School. The p7 class have been learning how to draw propaganda pictures .

On the propaganda’s p7 have took ideas of important people like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and many more.

We will tell you how we did them. First you have to have a sharp pencil, then you will have to pick who you want to draw. So now you draw who you picked. Some men were very hard to draw because of their face expressions and wrinkles. So for the end last thing is last you have to go over it with a thin pen.DSCF0011