Category Archives: Primary 5

Primary 5 Weekly News – Week Ending 13th Sept

Here we are at our first school holiday of the year already. It has been a quick first few weeks and we have really settled in well to class and it feels like we have been in P5 longer than 4 weeks.

Read on to hear what we have been doing in class this week:

  • Abbie – we were doing maths using Izak9 today.
  • Mia – we continued with Basketball in PE and were working on our shooting skills.
  • Travis – we were working on our free writing this morning – we always do 15 mins of free writing a week where we can write about anything we want to.
  • Mya – we were working on our handwriting, working on joining up our letters. We are trying to improve on our presentation across all subjects to have nice neat jotters.
  • Dominik – we continued to look at how different shapes float in water with Mrs Zohoorian.
  • Emma – in maths we were working on Number Bonds and how number bonds to 10 can help us with
  • Rose – we started doing Secret Student which is a daily task where Mrs Rankin picks a name from our lollipop stick tub. She then keeps an eye on the student to see if they are showing they are Ready, Respectful & Safe and who can work well all day. They will get a certificate and a prize if they succeed. If they are not successful, we will never know who it was. We’re all quite excited about doing this again next Wednesday.

Our Star of the Week this week is Rose. Well done to Rose for modelling being Ready, Respectful & Safe in our classroom and around school.

This is a long weekend so we are all back to school on Wednesday 18th September.

Have a great extra long weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

Primary 5 Weekly News – Week Ending 6th Sept

Here we are having completed another week in Primary 5. We are settling in well and now getting into full swing or our curriculum.

We had our Meet the Family evening on Wednesday after school and Mrs Rankin was pleased to meet so many of our families. It is only a few more weeks until the first parent’s evening so she can meet the rest at this.

Read on to hear what we have been doing in class this week:

  • Zara – we were working on place value in maths this week.
  • Rose – Mrs Zohoorian was in class working on forces with us. We were using hot and cold water to see if they would float or sink.
  • Jamie – we were learning about Mary Queen of Scots, our first topic of the year. We researched on the laptops in trios to see what we could find.
  • All – we were working on instructional writing this week and looking at how important it is to make sure we put the steps in order.
  • All – we started basketball in PE and were working on passing the ball using bounce passes, chest passes and overhead passes.
  • All – we got our first lot of homework home with our first phoneme of the year – looking at ‘oi’ words.

Our Star of the Week this week id Emma-Rose. Well done Emma-Rose on displaying being Ready, Respectful & Safe at all times!

Here are a few pictures from our week including the Ambassadors who received their jumpers from Miss Wallace this week. You will all agree, they all look really smart with them!

Have a good weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

Welcome to P5 2019/2020 – Class Blog

Welcome to our new Primary 5 weekly class blog. We will be updating this every Friday telling you about what we have been doing in class that week. Mrs Rankin knows that we all probably come home and just say school was fine and not actually tell you all what we have been doing! So now each week you can check out our blog and then ask us about the things we have been doing.

Mrs Rankin is our teacher and we will be getting Mrs Zohoorian for a couple of lessons a week. Miss Borthwick and Mrs Mackie have been in our class working and helping us during lessons as well.

Read on to hear what we have been doing since we started last Wednesday.

  • Sophie – We have played games in PE.
  • Erin G – we have been working on creating identity grids in class to tell people about us.
  • Zara – We have been doing some different maths questions to see what we can remember from last year.
  • Devin – we have been hearing our new class novel. It’s called Krindlekrax and is really good so far!
  • Malin – we met Ms Muir on Wednesday when she was in class for a little while.
  • Mya – with Ms Muir we were making triangular mobiles about the Letham Way.
  • Rhea – Mrs Rankin has introduced us to Number Talks and will be doing this regularly in class.
  • Liam – we were set a challenge by Miss Wallace at our first assembly about creating posters about the perfect teacher and we have made some great posters!
  • Jack – we did a maths lesson using Izak9 which was fun.
  • Emma – in PE we played hospital tig as a warm-up.
  • Emma-Rose – also in PE we played  Hoop-Hop in teams. We enjoyed that.
  • Nikola – in PE we were in teams using hula-hoops and bean bags to play noughts and crosses.
  • Layla – I have enjoyed maths so far!
  • Euan – we were working on some maths word problems.
  • Travis – Mrs Zohoorian will be working with us on STEM and RME this year.
  • Rose – we have been learning about Christianity with Mrs Zohoorian.

Each week Mrs Rankin will select a Star of the Week who has been showing positive behaviour in our classroom, respcting others and demonstrating the Letham Way. They get the chance to sit at our Star of the Week table with a friend for the next week. Last Friday, Rhea was our Star of the Week and Lauren will be our Star of the Week next week. Well done to both girls!

The school newsletter has been sent out to everyone electronically. If you did not receive a copy, please let the office know to add your phone number/email to the distribution.

Next Wednesday, 4th September, there will be a Meet the Family session from 3.45pm – 4.30pm where you can come into school and meet Mrs Rankin in our classroom.

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly News

Here we are nearly on our last week of term and P5. All classes are thinking about having to tidy up and organize work completed for the year. It’s nice to be able to look over what we have done this year.

Read on to hear what we have been up.

  • Anna – in PE we were playing football on Thursday.
  • Leannah – we were doing division in maths this week.
  • Junior – we were competing the Sumdog maths competition this week and we came 8th in the competition against all the other West Lothian schools.
  • Kerry – we found out that our new P6 teacher is going to be Miss Cowan and we’ll get to meet her in class on Tuesday.
  • Leona – we were working on recount writing this week.
  • Lucas – we had a whole school movie showing Aladin.
  • Amelia S – we played rounders for our PE session on Tuesday since the weather was nice.
  • Danny – Junior was in 6th place out of everyone in the Sumdog competition.
  • Katie – we heard that Mrs Fairley is leaving us to go to Harrismuir as Acting Deputy Head from August.
  • Amelia B – Miss Mills is leaving us at the end of term too as she’s from New Zealand.
  • Anna – we designed and made roller coasters or characters with Mrs Zohoorian.

Have a nice weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly News

Another week has passed us by and we have been busy as usual. We completed the Soccer Aid obstacle course this morning as a class and we all really enjoyed doing this. The Active Boys group did a great job organizing and supporting everyone. Well done from P5 boys!

Read on to hear what else we have been doing.

  • Madison – We finished learning about angles in maths.
  • Madison – with Mrs Zohoorian, we made rafts that float on water to help people farm.
  • Abby – we played dodge ball in PE this week with different teams playing against one another.
  • Amelia B – we have been entered into the West Lothian school’s SumDog competition. We started this in class today and it runs until 8pm on Thursday.
  • Danny – we did the obstacle course and raised money for Soccer Aid.
  • Amelia S – we were finishing off our letters to Miss Wallace asking to be Ambassadors.
  • Lucas – we can’t believe we only have 2 full weeks left in P5.

Here are some pictures from fitness in PE which we did in the classroom and from this morning.

Any sponsor money from the Soccer Aid obstacle course can be handed in next week with completed sponsor forms.


Have a nice weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

P5 Weekly News

Here we are now in the last month of term. How quickly this year has gone. The pupils are looking forward to being the second oldest class in the school come August! This week in Primary 5 we have been up to:

  • Kerry – we were writing our letters asking to be ambassadors to Miss Wallace.
  • Abby – we were meant to be going to Inveralmond to a Hockey festival but unfortunately due to the rain, it was called off. we found it that it can’t be re-scheduled as the staff at ICHS have other things in the calendar and don’t have any free spaces available to re-schedule.
  • Madison – we played dodge ball in PE.
  • Leona – in maths we have been angles this week.
  • Anna – today is dress down day with donations for the West Lothian food bank.
  • Amelia S – we had Miss Mill on Thursday afternoon where we were finishing off our letters.
  • Lucas – we watched half a movie on Wed afternoon since we didn’t get to the hockey festival.
  • Leona – we were looking at tenses in grammar this week.
  • Junior – we did Izak9 for maths on Wednesday.
  • Amelia S – Mrs Zohoorain was doing sinking and floating with us using oil in water to see what happened and the oil kept floating to the top.

Sponsor forms were sent home this week for the Soccer Aid Obstacle course we will complete next Friday. If these could be brought in on Friday or the week after with sponsor money, that would be great. Our slot for completing the course next week is 11am – 11.15am in the field.

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

Primary 5 Weekly News – Week Ending 31 May 2019

Here we are on the last day of May and we move into the last month of P5 on Monday! We have had a busy week with visitors into Letham and everyone welcomed them into our class from Mon – Wed. Read on to hear what we have been doing this week.

  • In PE we were learning about refereeing games and observing games to give feedback on what was going well and how to improve on skills.
  • We started angles in maths and we were learning about turning and using directions.
  • We did a lesson using Izak9 this week playing some new games. They were really good and we need to make sure we listen and read the questions asked of us a bit more carefully!
  • For writing, we were discussing if computer games are good for us and we had to come up with reasons that were good and reasons that were bad then give out own opinions on the question.
  • We were learning about the brain this week and did some brain art as well using black paper and used white pencils to draw the brain and then we used water colour pencils to add colour to one half of the brain. Some pictures of us starting these are below. We also made a brain out of modeling clay and we brought these home. The pictures may not be what arrived home!
  • We were told about applying for an ambassador role today. We will be writing letters to Miss Wallace about these next week with interviews due to be held on 14th June.
  • We are attending a hockey festival at Inveralmond next Wednesday morning. Letters are coming home with us today. We need the EE2 forms completed and returned by Tuesday 4th please.
  • Pupils have also been advised of library books which they have borrowed from the school library. Miss Smith is planning ahead and is looking to ensure all school library books are returned before the last week in June. Can you please help them look for these in the house and bring them into school.

Here are some pictures from this week.

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

Primary 5 Fornightly Update

Apologies for no weekly update last week but this week you’ll get 2 weeks news! Back to usual next week with the weekly update.


  • Katie – this week we did some outdoor learning on Thursday.
  • Amelia S – we had Miss Mills this week for an afternoon. We did problem solving and went outdoors.
  • Kerry – we had assembly this morning about Outdoor Learning.
  • Leannah – we were writing stories for a writing competition this week.
  • Esau – we did Izak9 for maths playing Eliminator again.

Last week:

  • Mia – in maths we are looking at Data Handling.
  • Junior – last Friday we had our sports day and did some Highland Games events.
  • Amelia B – last week was Miss Dunnigan’s last week in P5 and she will be working in West Lothian somewhere after the summer holidays.
  • Mia – we played rounders in PE outside.
  • Kerry – we were working on our Didbook profiles.

Some pictures from sports day below.

Have a nice weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

Primary 5 Weekly News

A very quick week for us being only 3 days but we do have an update on what has been happening in class. We were introduced to a new maths resource by Mrs Rankin on Thursday and Miss Dunnigan continued with the Human Body topic for us all.

Read on to hear more.

  • All – we went to the P7 Fayre this morning – it was great fun! We bought tickets and were able to spend these on different activities such as soaking Mr Hunter, face painting, beat the goalie, hook a duck and lots more! Well done to P7 for putting on a great time.
  • Esau – we did Izak9 with Mrs Rankin which is an online robot asking us questions while we use big cubes to help us solve it. We worked in small groups and had to work as a team to answer questions.
  • Madison – Mrs Zohoorian was looking at things that sink or float.

See some pictures below.

Next week is Miss Dunnigan’s last week with us in Primary 5.

Have a nice weekend!

P5, Mrs Rankin & Miss Dunnigan


P5 Weekly News

We had a full week this week. With May looming we have a few shorter weeks to look forward to. Miss Dunnigan has been teaching more again this week with Mrs Rankin taking us for a few half days and helping in class with Miss Dunnigan.

Read on to hear what we have been doing in class.

  • Esau – our Thinking Reader skill this week was Metalinguistics and we were working on new vocabulary and using these in sentences of our own.
  • Leona – in maths we were consolidating our knowledge of addition and using formal methods. We had some problem solving questions as well and we had to calculate these using a method we were confident with.
  • Danny – we watched the P2 class assembly on Friday morning.
  • Madison – with Mrs Zohoorian, we were looking at items which might sink or float.
  • Amy – we were playing hockey in PE with Miss Dunnigan.
  • Junior – we couldn’t get into the PE hall for one of our sessions this week so Mrs Rankin had us working on our fitness in class with some tough workouts to rock music! We enjoyed that for a bit of a change.
  • Madison – we were doing French with Miss Dunnigan.

Next week is a shorter week with pupils only being in Wednesday – Friday.

Have a lovely extra long weekend!

P5, Mrs Rankin & Miss Dunnigan