All posts by Mrs Turnbull

P1 Dinosaur Measurement Masterclass

P1 and the Nursery got together again for their Masterclass. We looked at the words to describe how big and small dinosaurs could be. Then we sorted toy dinosaurs in order according to their size. We made a Dinosaur Parade showing pictures of dinosaurs in order of size. In the afternoon each of the 3 groups had a dinosaur footprint in class and we had to find out how big it was by measuring with our own feet. Each group also made a large picture of a dinosaur, which we will be using to compare the size of our 3 dinosaurs, to see which group had the smallest, which had the medium sized and which had the largest dinosaur.




P2 Patterns Masterclass

P2 have been learning about lots of different types of patterns which can be found in the world, as well as in number. We looked at patterns in dance and music, and created our own colour patterns to create ‘pop-out’ hand art work, as well as a paper woven tartan.  We also looked at why some animals have patterned skins, before creating our own versions of them too. We all had great fun!

Time Masterclass

In the Support for Learning classroom we were looking at telling the time.  Children were revising using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.  We also had a look at five minute intervals.  We did lots of active learning, such as making our own telling the time clocks, playing ‘what time is it?’ bingo and playing some fun interactive time games on the SMART board.

P3b Fractions Masterclass

In Primary 3B we looked at splitting different shapes into halves and quarters. We found out that there was more than one way of finding fractions of a shape. We had races in the gym hall and split our running track in half and then into quarters so we knew how far we had to run. We created a pizza with cones and played the role of different toppings to create the pizza Mr. Clark ordered on the phone. He ordered mushrooms on three quarters of his pizza. Yuck! Finally, we created our own pizzas back in the classroom. We chose our own toppings and wrote some fraction facts about our pizza underneath the pizza box lids!

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P3a Problem Detectives

Today, across the school we had maths masterclasses. In P3a, we spent the day being problem detectives. We were set lots of different challenges throughout the day. Some of the different strategies we used were:

– Drawing a picture or making a model
– Acting out the situation
– Having an idea and testing it out with examples
– Producing an organised list or a table
– Looking for a pattern
– Guessing, checking and improving

Here are some photographs of a few of the challenges we were set! We had a fantastic day.


We planned and made marble mazes.
We planned and made marble mazes.
We tested each others' mazes out.
We had fun testing each others’ mazes out.
We has to save Fred the worm who was trapped on top of his capsized boat.
We had to save Fred the worm who was trapped on top of his capsized boat.

These boys managed to save Fred from drowning!
These boys managed to save Fred from drowning!
We were set some tricky matchstick puzzles to solve!
We were set some tricky matchstick puzzles to solve!
We were challenged to see who could make the longest paper chain out of only one sheet of paper.
We were challenged to see who could make the longest paper chain out of only one sheet of paper.
The final results!
The final results!
This paper chain was the longest!
This paper chain was the longest!
We were asked to find out all the different ways four children could sit in the back of a limousine. We acted it out and produced a list of our answers. Some groups even spotted a pattern.
We were asked to find out all the different ways four children could sit in the back of a limousine. We acted it out and produced an organised list of our answers. Some groups even spotted a pattern.

P7 Trip to Sky Sports

Not too long ago primary seven went on a school trip to Sky Sports. We did a variety of different sport activities and we also got to meet some athletes that took part in the Olympics. They gave us some inspiration to help us in the future. We did rugby, gymnastics and some fun activities!

By Gabrielle


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Ramsay the Rat in P3a

This week underneath Mrs Turnbulls desk we found a rat! He had a letter with him. He was called Ramsay. The letter said that he was lost! We figured out that he was from a Scottish castle a long long time ago and that he has time travelled. Ramsay has asked us to find out some more information about Scottish castles. We are also decorating our classroom to look like a Great Hall to make him feel more at home.

By Rebecca
