All posts by Mrs Turnbull

P7 Fair

After a lot of hard work, the P7s held a fair this morning, to raise some money for their prom at the end of the year. It was a huge success and they raised a lot of money! We’ll update you with the final amount, once it has all been counted! Well done Primary 7!

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P3 Gardening

This week we have had a focus on gardening, in school. The P3s have started transforming one of the areas in our playground. There is a lot to do before our Garden Open Day in June! We also used wool to weave butterflies. Don’t they look great?

Paige- At first it was hard, but when I got the hang of the pattern it got much easier!

Jamie- I found it really to make because I listened to the instructions.

Vladas- It was fun and I really want to make it again.

Cole- I was very proud of myself and I’d love to make a bigger one for my family.

Jack- It started off being hard but the more I persevered and persevered, the easier it got.

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Willow Pattern

Recently P7 has been learning about the willow tree pattern for their China topic. The willow tree pattern is about a girl called Koong-Shee that falls in love with a man called Chang. Her father locks her in a maze as her and Chang were passing notes to each other in coconuts talking about getting married. At the wedding night they agree to run away together to become farmers. In the end of the story they die in each others arms and are transformed into love birds .

By Gabrielle


P7 Transition

Recently some of the P7 pupils have been attending transitions for heading up to Inveralmond high school . Many other schools will be there . We went on 15.04.16 and we are going today. We are cooking pizza today. The main reasons we go to the transitions is to interact with people and to be shown round the school.

By Duncan


P6 Renewable Energy

We are learning about renewable energy and what types there are. Here are a few examples: wind, solar and hydro. Hydro energy uses water wheels to make electricity, wind energy uses wind turbines and solar energy uses solar panels.

There are some energy sources that are non-renewable such as oil and coal.

By Tony and Mac


P5 on the field!

On Thursday P5 we went on the field to do sport on it then after we played games. We were in teams of 5. We ran around the field with a baton and we passed it on to the next person. It was called a relay. It was hard because we were trying to be fast.2014-relay-race-handing-over-natural-Kopie

By Morgan and Thomas