All posts by Miss Jenkins

First few days in Kathmandu

Meeting the holy men and the cremation temple
Meeting the holy men at the cremation temple
Monkey temple
Monkey temple

After a long flight we finally arrived in Kathmandu.  The flight in was amazing with views over the Himalayas.   We’ve had a busy couple of days sightseeing and wandering around before we go to meet the school.  It really is an amazing place, everything is so different and there is still a lot of rebuilding from the earthquake.  The first difference we discovered about our education is that Nepali schools are in on a Saturday! The old town

View of the himalayas
View of the himalayas


Leadership Groups – Week 2

The second week of our Leadership Groups has been exciting.  The International / Blog group have been preparing some information about Letham Primary to take and show our partner school in Nepal.  This week part of the group took photos around the school of the various leadership groups in action.  We think there are going to be big

differences between our school and our Nepalese school.

The Pupil Council in action
Junior Road Safety Officers
The Enterprise Group
Achievement in Sport Group


Professional Partnership Visit to Nepal

Not long now until Miss Rojboonthueng and Mrs Whiteside’s visit to Nepal to our partner school Chandeswari Secondary School.  We have received funding as part of Connecting Classrooms, a unique global education programme run by the British Council in partnership with the Department for International Development (DFID). It equips teachers with the knowledge and techniques to teach young people the skills they need to live and work in an increasingly globalised economy.

The programme enables teachers not only to teach these ‘21st century core skills’ to children in their classroom, but also to visit partner schools in other countries to exchange insights and ideas on how to improve teaching and learning in their schools.

Letham Primary is taking part in the programme because of its commitment to preparing students to become well-rounded, truly global citizens.  We have already had some success and experience implementing the core skills in our curriculum through leadership groups and our visit will give us the opportunity to share our ideas with our colleagues in Nepal.

Pupils will be working with their counterparts in Nepal on an exciting project to explore the Sustainable Development Goal which aims to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong opportunities for all.  We will be focusing on the use of  digital literacy, communication and collaboration.  Our visit to Nepal will allow us to work on the programme together and give all of our pupils the opportunity to feel empowered and work on skills to support them in the future.

.school class

Leadership Groups Day 1

This is the first day of our whole school leadership groups.  We have a wide range of groups including; outdoor learning, house captains, pupil council, enterprise and the international/blog group.  In our group we have 20 pupils from P1-P7.  For our first group we have been thinking about the blog and writing some letters to penpals in Nepal.  Mrs Whiteside and Miss Rojboonthueng are going to visit our partner school in a few weeks through the British Council so they will take the letters with them.

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