P5 Weekly Blog – A shorter week

Well this has been a short week for us all due to the long weekend. We did have a busy few days though. Read on to hear what we have been up to.

  • Katie – We were looking at the water cycle with Mrs Zohoorian and drew pictures of how it works.
  • Liam – we were finding out more about earthquakes for our Natural Disaster topic. We looked at the tectonic plates and the scales for how earthquakes are measured.
  • Leannah – Newsround told us about how this is Spider Month and how they are all looking at getting inside now. They aren’t cold but are looking for a mate.
  • Mia – also in Newsround this week, we were told how slime is bad for the environment and how we can change our ingredients to help more.
  • Leona – in maths we were doing addition and subtraction mentally.
  • Anna – we had the first week of ten sessions with Star Harmonies on Thursday morning. We are looking at Matilda by Roald Dahl during these sessions.
  • Junior – in PE this week we were playing badminton and were looking at our hitting and passing skills.
  • Madison – for assembly this morning, myself, Kerry, Amelia B from P5 and Poppy & Rebecca, both P7, gave a gymnastic display during the assembly.
  • Anna – we were creating bunting/posters this week for the MacMillan coffee morning next week.

Just a reminder that for Golden Time on a Friday, we are promoting the playing of board games. This will save pupils from bringing in their toys from home. We have a few games in class for everyone to play so they don’t need to bring in toys from home.

Here are a few pictures from today’s Golden Time with games.

Have a nice weekend!



One thought on “P5 Weekly Blog – A shorter week”

  1. Just catching up on your Blog posts now Primary 5, what a lot you’ve been up to over the last few weeks!
    Hope you are looking forward to Star Harmonies this week, I watched Matilda this weekend.

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