P5 Weekly Update – Week Ending 7th Sep 18

Another quick week here in Primary 5 where we had 2 birthdays in class. Anna & Gordon both turned 9 this week – Happy Birthday again to you both!

Read on to hear what we have been up to in class this week:

  • Leannah – in PE we continued with Handball and were working on skills of throwing and catching the ball.
  • Mia – we were working on the school values to see how we use these in the classroom and paired up with people to work together.
  • Liam – we have been doing lots of Place value and started looking at Rounding.
  • Anna – we celebrated Gordon and I’s birthdays this week!
  • Junior – we started on our topic and we were researching about different natural disasters.
  • Cameron – Mrs Zohoorian continued working on STEM with us looking at solids, liquids and gasses.
  • Junior – in reading this week we have been working on our Prior Knowledge this week and how we can predict what may happen.
  • Abby – we were using the laptops this week.
  • Leona – in writing we continued with instructional writing and wrote instructions how to play Hoop Hop.



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