P5 Weekly News – W/e 4th Oct

Another week has flown by with us having only 1 week left until the October break. We have been busy in class with it having been Maths Week Scotland and having a SumDog competition.

Read on to hear what we have been up to:

  • Maths – we were doing different activities in class all wee as it was Maths Week Scotland. We all got to play SumDog at some point in the week to allow us to get involved in the competition. If we weren’t on the laptops, we were playing maths related games, solving real life problems with tasks created by Edinburgh University for P5-P7s or working on our times table knowledge and Number Talks strategies. We came 271st out of over 3,300 schools and we beat all other Letham classes! Well done to those who answered all 1000 questions, they earned 5 house points each.
  • Literacy – we were looking at finding the main idea of a passage this week and worked on several small passages to explain what the main idea was using just 1 sentence.
  • Writing – we were writing instructions about how to play Hoop Hop and we had to be clear about what we wrote about and to make sure were gave key points to do. For example, place the hula hoops on the floor in a long snake shape.
  • Health & Well Being – we were learning about Fire Safety this week and everyone was really engaged in this discussing hazards around the house and what to look out for.
  • National Poetry Day – we wrote acrostic poems for the school competition. These were to be about one of our school values. There are some really great poems and good luck to Miss Smith who has to judge this!
  • Mary Queen of Scots – we completed our power points on places where Mary lived and gave a brief talk about what we found out. We also completed our art of Mary and you can see these next week at parents evening with a bit of a digital twist to them!
  • In PE we were playing games in basketball and we were using the full sized court. We all took turns in offering feedback to the teams we were able to watch.
  • Sing Out – Jen was in on Monday and we were practicing the songs she gave us in week 1. It’s going well son far.

Our star of the week this week is Kayson – well done. He has been showing fantastic listening and contributing confidently to our lessons all week.

Here’s a few pictures from this week.

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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