P5 Weekly News

Here we are now in the last month of term. How quickly this year has gone. The pupils are looking forward to being the second oldest class in the school come August! This week in Primary 5 we have been up to:

  • Kerry – we were writing our letters asking to be ambassadors to Miss Wallace.
  • Abby – we were meant to be going to Inveralmond to a Hockey festival but unfortunately due to the rain, it was called off. we found it that it can’t be re-scheduled as the staff at ICHS have other things in the calendar and don’t have any free spaces available to re-schedule.
  • Madison – we played dodge ball in PE.
  • Leona – in maths we have been angles this week.
  • Anna – today is dress down day with donations for the West Lothian food bank.
  • Amelia S – we had Miss Mill on Thursday afternoon where we were finishing off our letters.
  • Lucas – we watched half a movie on Wed afternoon since we didn’t get to the hockey festival.
  • Leona – we were looking at tenses in grammar this week.
  • Junior – we did Izak9 for maths on Wednesday.
  • Amelia S – Mrs Zohoorain was doing sinking and floating with us using oil in water to see what happened and the oil kept floating to the top.

Sponsor forms were sent home this week for the Soccer Aid Obstacle course we will complete next Friday. If these could be brought in on Friday or the week after with sponsor money, that would be great. Our slot for completing the course next week is 11am – 11.15am in the field.

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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