Primary 5 Weekly News

Well we have made it to February now, some us will be glad to get through January. We have had a good week in class with loads going on. Please read on to hear all about it. No names as to who added points this week as everyone made a contribution first thing on a piece of paper. Some added names, other didn’t!

  • We played basketball games this week in PE. We were looking at defending and man marking.
  • In maths we continued on with fractions and looked at working out half, quarter, third, tenth of amounts.
  • The nurture group on a Thu afternoon were playing football with the little ones this week. They had to look after their football buddy and help them.
  • We had our P5 swimming assessment at ICHS on Monday morning. Mrs Rankin said we all did really well and everyone tried their best when asked to do something. We’ll hear how we got on in a few weeks.
  • On Tuesday we had One Day Creations in doing a drama workshop with our class and also the P4s. Some parents came along to see what we had been doing. We learned that we should turn off any devices an hour before going to bed to help our minds relax before going to sleep. We should also set time limits for being on games. It was a good session.
  • For writing we are looking at information/report writing. We were taking notes on clips about the V&A Dundee museum as it has been in the news this week. We had to write an introduction and 2 topics about the museum.
  • In French we are becoming more confident with our basic numbers up to 30 and there are a few great accents in class!

We are continuing on with our Vikings topic next week and Mrs Rankin is looking for any old newspapers we could bring in to use for something we’re going to make. Any old newspapers would be greatly accepted!

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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