Primary 5 Weekly News

We have now really settled back into school after the holidays and into full swing with our work and topics. We think it’s going to be a busy term and no doubt a quick term as alwaya. Please read on to hear what we have been up to this week.

  • Amy – in PE this week for basketball we were working on our shots and trying to score a ‘swish’ sounding shot. This is the noise it sometimes make when it goes through the net.
  • Liam – on Monday Mrs Fairley took us for PE and we played team games for this.  We had to work together to try and help our team win.
  • Mia/Anna – we were learning about Nelson Mandela with Mrs Zohoorian on Wednesday.
  • Danny – in maths we started fractions. We played a loop game on fractions to see what we already know.
  • Amelia S/Gordon – we were doing out last piece of persuasive writing this week and we had to write a letter to persuade the head teacher not to ban a game pupils like to play at breaks & lunchtimes.
  • Katie – we continued on with out topic about Vikings and we worked on putting together the timeline of the Vikings.
  • Abby – I was lucky to be chosen to go to Waterstones with Miss Smith and Rhys on Thursday morning. We bought some books for the library which P5 like and also books on the Vikings for out topic.
  • Lucas & Junior – we both went to Chatter Matters on Wednesday with the other Numeracy Ambassadors. We have a small project we are working on and will share what we have been doing when we can.
  • Mrs Rankin – I would like to remind parents that the letters for the P5 Swimming Assessment need to be returned by Monday 21st Jan if these haven’t already been returned. This will help the office staff in their planning for this trip.

Here are a few pictures on the class working on their Viking timelines.

Have a good weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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