P5 Weekly News

Well it has been Halloween week and there has been some spooky goings on in school with skeletons appearing and some eerie music being heard around the building! We have had a good week this week so please read on to hear all about it.

  • Brooke – with Mrs Zohoorian we were learning about water pollution.
  • Danielis – we were making paper pumpkins for Halloween.
  • Leannah – in PE we were looking fitness and had different stations to do different exercises.
  • Anna – at the Halloween disco all of the girls were doing a dance and Miss Wallace joined in!
  • Leona – we had Star Harmonies with Aimie this week again.
  • Amelia S – we were working on our handwriting this week.
  • Anna – in maths we have been looking at the nets of 3D shapes.
  • Leannah – we were working on developing characters for a spooky story in writing this week.
  • Kerry – our class had Chatter Matters this week with 6 of us going along to meet Mr Crichton and talk about our writing.
  • Leona – we were doing Grammar and looking similies.
  • Leannah – 3 of us (Cameron, Madison & Leannah) went to Waterstones with Miss Smith on Thursday morning. We had a list of books the class asked for and we managed to get quite a few off the list!
  • Daniel – we were doing Halloween mosaics with multiplication calculations.
  • Anna – some of the class have been selected to attend Tank Academy on Tuesday morning. We’re looking forward to it!

Mrs Rankin has been clearing out at home and found a P1 picture special from the West Lothian Courier which had her son in it. On closing this over, she noticed Letham Primary picture on the front page which the now P5s were in! She showed us the picture and we all had a laugh looking at how different we looked. Some of us haven’t really changed though! The pictures are on the blog for you all to see again.


Have a good weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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