Primary 5 Weekly News

Well here we are already approaching our first holiday of the new school year. We have had another busy week with it being Maths week, Roald Dahl Day and fitting in our other areas of the curriculum.

Read on to hear more.

  • Junior – we now have a wall in class called the Shout Out Wall which is being used to for great work, kindness and anything else positive happening in our Classroom. Our names will be put up with what we have been doing.
  • Anna – we entered our first SumDog competition of the year! We all got logged in for the first time this year and can access this from home as well!
  • Leannah – we have been learning about Natural Disasters by using the laptops and creating a poster with facts.
  • Mia – we were instructional writing and working on our layout – we wrote a recipe on how to make a sandwich (filling of choice)
  • Daniel – we have been asked to look through our cupboards to see if there are any old, unused board games that could maybe be donated to the school for us to use at Golden Time.
  • Kerry – in maths we were working on mental strategies for addition of 2-digit numbers.
  • Madison – we celebrated Roald Dahl day by watching a Live show and completing some activitis relating to his books.
  • Anna – we finished off our Kandinsksy art.
  • Junior – This week was Scottish Maths week – we played Round the World and a Maths treasure hunt within our classroom and lots more maths!

It’s an extra long weekend this weekend so enjoy Family Movie afternoon to those going and we’re all back in school next Wednesday!

Have a lovely long weekend.


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