Nepal update

Well it’s been a very busy few days at Chandeswari School. I have been working together with the teachers to build a peer programme with nearby Kavre Deaf School. I have also been working with the pupils on different types of activities around hearing impaired individuals.  My style of teaching is quite different from the Nepali way.


The pupils have been helping we with some of the challenges set by Letham pupils and I have lots of video evidence to show when I get back!


Today we took some of the students to Kavre Deaf School to begin their collaboration. We began the first session by playing some games together.


My lunchtimes have been quite right eventful. During a walk in the local town I stumbled across a wedding which I was subsequently invited to and ended up dancing with some of the ladies. The next the wedding was still continuing but this time with a band playing and the men dancing. Fascinating!


The pupils have been very thankful for the books and money we donated. I have some more surprises for them tomorrow.


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