The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

January 29, 2019
by Mrs McCann

Active Schools

Active Schools Coordinators have been working closely with Mrs McCann to put on after school clubs that pupils would like to attend.

Last term the lunch time taekwondo club was very popular and it will be running again this term starting on 30 January.

Miss Duncan will be starting a new hockey club this term for primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils. The first session will be the 25 February and letters will be coming out shortly.

Mrs McCann sent a survey to parents asking which activities pupils would be interested in, once all responses have been received Active Schools will be able to put on more clubs to continue to get the pupils of Kirkhill active.

Follow Broxburn Active Schools Coordinators on Twitter @ActiveS_Bburn.

Active Schools Coordinators, Ross Logan and Libby Harris

January 29, 2019
by Mrs Shankland

Scottish Poetry Competition


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We would like to say well done to all our year group finalists and over all finalist who took part in our Scottish Poetry Competition this year.

The over all finalist were as follows:

Primary 1- David Wilson

Primary 2- Lucy Cunningham

Primary 3- Grace More (P 1-3 winner)

Primary 4 – Harry McIntosh

Primary 5- Kara Walker

Primary 6- Lewis Outram ( Highly Commended)

Primary 7- Emma Crow (P 4-7 winner)


A huge Thank You to our 3 judges this year- Mrs MacPherson, Mrs Clark and Mr McIlvary.

January 29, 2019
by Mrs Shankland

Read,Write Count Survey

Survey for Families

Has your child received a P2 or P3 Read Write Count bag this autumn/winter?

Please let us know what you thought by filling out the Parent survey:

The prize draw for parents is a personal Read Write Count GOODIE BAG filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.

The deadline to complete this is Monday 4 March 2019.

January 11, 2019
by Mrs Dunse

Happy new year from Primary 2

Happy new year to you all. Our first week back has been a very busy one. I loved reading the children’s stories about their Christmas break and how much fun they had. In maths we have been subtracting using a number line and getting used to counting backwards. We have also picked up 2D shape, building on our knowledge from primary one so that we can learn to appreciate the properties of 3D shapes soon.

We are embarking on a short topic for January to explore Scotland, the Scottish landscape, culture, food, poetry and songs. The children have made an impressive start learning their poems for the competition. Thank you for your continued support.

We are looking forward to hearing their best Scottish dialects next week.


November 9, 2018
by Mrs Shankland

Remembrance Sunday

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At 12.30pm on Sunday 11th November church bells will ring 100 peals to commemorate the end of the First World War.

The Remembrance parade will commence at 1.15pm from Broxburn Parish Church.

October 26, 2018
by Miss Brown

Primary 1 update

Primary 1 this week were fabulous.  They were all ready to learn.  In sounds this week we learnt e and f.  We also used our cat’s heads and tails to work out the first and last sound in words.  We have been using what we know to blends sounds together.  In writing we wrote about our favourite minibeast.  These were fabulous to read.  

In maths we have been learning to count forwards and backwards starting from different numbers.  Some children had s lot of fun jumping on our large floor number line to count.  Also we used butterflies to work out which ones were symmetrical.  We now know that symmetry is having the same on both sides.  

In gym we were practicing our balancing.  We used bean bags in our heads and moved in different ways.  We also travelled in different ways using equipment but keeping our balance all the way.  


we also had the Halloween disco.  It was lovely to see most of primary one having fun dancing at the disco.

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