The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 1, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 1.5.20 – Alphabet ‘Ee’

Here is your alphabet task today.  Watch these video clips and practice remembering what the letter sound and the letter name is.

We are practicing ‘Ee’

  • the letter sound
  • the letter name

Miss Brown 😁

May 1, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 1.5.20 😁

Hello all,

It is a new month today

Can you ask the children about what the date is?

Ask the day?

Ask the date (number)?

Ask the Month?

Sometimes need to prompt to say last month/number.  We also normally discuss daily where it comes in the year, for example March is the third month.

Here is today’s grid.

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 1.5.20


Miss Brown has been having fun using chalk.  Look at the document below.

Introduction to topic KWL spring

Exciting challenge task- All of you are going to become photographers 📸 yourself this May.  I thought we should do something fun as it is Miss Brown’s birthday month.  I will be taking part too.  Each day of the week (Monday-Friday) you will have a photo challenge.

You will need to ask an adult kindly if you can borrow a phone or iPad or photo device to take a photo.
I will remind you each day and I can’t wait to see your posts on your journal (adults can help with this). Here is the calendar.

Photo a day challenge  

Today is take a picture of your favourite toy?  Why is it you favourite?

Remember Monday and Tuesday is a holiday, enjoy some fun time with your family at home.

Miss Brown 😁

May 1, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Friday 1st May

Good morning P3/2,

Welcome to Friday morning and the first day of a new month.  Have a think about how we would write today’s short date, what number would we write for May?

Below is today’s learning grid and I have also added some more games to your active learn accounts for maths and grammar/spelling.  I am really pleased to see so many of you accessing your reading books on active learn.  I really enjoy these books and many of you will notice that each week I am trying to give you a fiction and a non fiction or information book.  I usually add your second book on Wednesday so if you haven’t checked your account again do have a look.

Friday 1st May

Finally please do not forget that Monday is a holiday and Tuesday is an inservice day so I will not be posting any more work until Wednesday.  Have a lovely few days and lets all cross our fingers that the sunshine comes back.

Mrs Clayton.

April 30, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good morning, I hope everyone is safe and well? I hope you are all enjoying the learning activities?

Literacy-  Fry’s Words & Grammar

As we have now learned the first 100 Fry’s words, I have uploaded the next 100 Fry’s words. You should just look at the first 10 today.

I have added in a Grammar challenge on Sum Dog to help with some reading and writing skills. Please log on and try it out.

Health and Well being

The weather is not so good today so I have tried to help you reach your 60 min goal for fitness by adding a link to Cosmic Kids Yoga and Joe Wicks the Body Coach. Give them a try and see.

Maths Topic- Time

I realised that the link for the first video had not appeared so I have added in yesterday’s video and a couple of clips for today.

Numeracy Topic-Subtraction

Log on to Sum Dog to practise your subtraction strategies.

Grid 18-P3-Thursday 30th-April

Have a great day.

Mrs McDonnell

April 30, 2020
by Mrs Clayton
1 Comment

P3/2 – Thursday 30th April

Good morning P3/2,

Here is the grid for today.  You will see there is another shape video.  This is the last one for shape and I have set you a choice of challenges in it.

Thursday 30th April

Yesterday a few people posted some of their work on their learners journals and it was wonderful to see all the fantastic instructions.  There is a little problem with the learners journals right now as we understand they are having a bit of an update and sometimes things are taking a long time to upload or are posting more than once.  Hopefully this will be sorted very soon because I love seeing all your work and hearing what you have been doing.  If anyone is having trouble logging into their learners journal please let me know and I will try to help.

Finally here is another of Mr Mc’s phonic videos.  On Monday I showed you ‘ai’ and this one is for ‘ay’.  Remember it is the same sound but ‘i is shy and likes to hide in the middle of words so big brave y takes its place at the end of the word.  Click here for the video.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Clayton

April 30, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 30th April

Good morning P2!

Here is your learning grid for today:

30th April Grid pdf

The BBC uploads daily lessons and I found this one on number bonds which may be useful for one of your numeracy tasks:

It was great to see some examples of the rainbows you grew! Remember if you’d like to show me something you can upload this to your Learning Journal or you can email the school office.

Have a great day and let me know if you need anything!

Miss Fleming 🙂

April 29, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good morning,

I hope you all enjoyed the activities yesterday?

Today we are going to start looking at how to tell the time as  our new maths topic. If you could ask an adult for a loan of  an analogue clock or watch, hopefully  you will have one in the house so you can  practise with it. If you don’t have an analogue clock then you can use the clock on the videos to practise and your device e.g. laptop, I pad, etc will have a digital clock you can practise with. It might even give you an analogue clock too.

We will still be learning about subtraction as well and I have set up a challenge on Sumdog for each of your groups. Please practise using this to help you. I have been on Sumdog so see if you can beat me.

Grid 18-P3-Wednesday 29th-April

Have fun and stay safe.

Mrs McDonnell

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