Category Archives: Prmary 7

Return to School- Guidance for Parents

Dear Parents and Families of St. Joseph’s,
I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable Summer break.
I am sure that you will now be aware of the communications and information from West Lothian Council regarding the phased return of all pupils back to school. Please find attached further information and guidance relevant to St. Joseph’s PS to help prepare you and your family for the safe return of all pupils next week.
Myself and all the staff are very much looking forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school. The Health and wellbeing of all is a clear priority and I know you will do all you can do support the guidance that has been carefully compiled on the basis of a thorough Risk Assessment.
I look forward to seeing many of you next week as we begin the return to school.
With kindest regards,

Mrs McEwan’s Monday message

Good morning everyone! Welcome to Mrs McEwan’s Monday message! It’s the last Monday of the Summer term. I hope you are all well rested after the weekend This will be the last assembly for a while so I wanted to wish you all a great Summer break – I hope the sun shines for all of you! I can’t wait to see all of your happy, smiling faces when we see you again in August! Have a lovely Summer!

Mrs McEwan

22.6.20 Mrs McEwans Monday Message

Mrs McEwan’s Monday Message – Sorry this didn’t post to each class page!

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Thank you so much for taking part in all of last week’s Health Week activities! I have been hearing lots of stories from your teachers about how much you enjoyed them – well done! Also a big THANK YOU!!!!! to Mrs Telfer and Mrs McMaster for organising all of that for you ! You are all fantastic! Here is this weeks assembly!

Have a great week everyone!! Take care and stay safe!

Mrs McEwan!




8.6.20 Hope Whole School Assembly

Which house will win?

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

I hope you have had a great week.  I certainly have with all the wonderful emails I have received, thank you.   Well done to everyone who has taken part.

Today is the final day of Health Week and Sports Day.

What activities will you get up to today?

If you haven’t already done so, remember to email evidence of your participation in the 6 Sports Day activities to me by 12 noon today to gain points for your house.

I will add up all the points over the weekend and announce the winning house on Monday.  Good luck!


Good Morning Everyone.  The videos and photos I am receiving are wonderful.  I am so pleased to see all the activities you are doing to keep fit and healthy.  Please keep them coming!

If you would like to earn HOUSE POINTS remember to email me the evidence of you participating in the following 6 SPORTS DAY activities.

Activity 1 – Shuttle run

How fast can you run a 5m distance 20 times?

If 5m is too big for your garden you can run a shorter distance more times.Video resource 1

Activity 2 – Socks in a box

In 60 seconds, how many pairs of socks can you match, then run 3m and put them in a basket?Video resource 2

Activity 3 – Speed bounce

Roll up a towel. How many times can you jump, with feet together, side to side over the towel in 20 seconds?Video Resource 3

Activity 4 – Toilet roll tower

Using only your feet, how many toilet rolls can you stack one on top of the other in 60 seconds?Video Resource 4

Activity 5 – Target throw

You need 10 objects, e.g. pairs of socks. How many objects out of 10 can you get in the basket?Don’t stand too close! About 3m for P1-3, 5m or further for P4-7.Video Resource 5

Activity 6 – Egg and spoon

Find a small round object (a ball, small pair of socks, chocolate egg, boiled egg) balance it on a spoon and walk up and down your shuttle run area. How many laps can you do in 60 seconds? If it drops go back to the start of that lap.Video Resource 6

Send them to

Teachers take on sports day! 3.6.20

Good Morning Everyone! I cant wait to see what Health Week activities you get up to today.

Have you had a go at the 6 Sports Day activities?  The teachers have been having fun doing theirs!  Remember if you complete any of the 6 Sports Day activities, email your evidence to me and I’ll add on your points for your house.

Health Week and Sports Day

Good Morning Everyone.

Thank you for all the fabulous photos and videos I have received.  I am really enjoying seeing what you have been busy with during Health Week so far.

Our 4 house captains would love you to complete the 6 sports day activities to gain points for your house.  They made these lovely posters since they can’t be there is person to cheer you on!                  

St Joseph’s Sports Day


Sports Day' Banner - Primary Treasure Chest

Good morning everyone! As part of Health Week we always enjoy our Sports Day.  Although we can’t join together out the field like we usually do, I would still love to see you taking part in some activities and gaining points for your house.  All the information you need is on the link below.  You can complete the activities any day this week (the weather is looking good for today and tomorrow!) and you have until Friday 5th at 12noon to email your evidence to me.  Have fun!St Joseph’s Sports Day