Category Archives: Primary 2

Week Beginning 26.11.18

This week Primary Two have been busy learning:

  • Literacy: We have been learning to word build, blend and segment words with the long e sound (e-e). We have been doing lots of active stations to help us practice this!
  • Maths: We started our data handling block this week and began looking at Venn diagrams. We know how a Venn diagram works and how to read one. We also worked with a partner to create a Venn diagram about our favourite foods- it was great fun!
  • Topic: We are still working on our night and day topic. This week we have been learning all about animals that are nocturnal and diurnal. We worked with a partner to sort them into categories on a table.

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all of you (parents and children) for making me feel so welcome over the past few months. Your support has been very much appreciated.

Primary Two- every single one of you are super stars and it has been a pleasure getting to know you all! Best of luck!

Week Beginning 19.11.18

This week in Primary Two we have been busy learning all about:

  • Maths: We have been learning all about the properties of 3d shapes. We know that 3d shapes have faces, corners and edges.
  • Literacy: We have been learning to spell words with the magic ‘e’ rule (the long u-e sound.) In writing, we were thinking all about how the Owl Babies felt when their mother had left them to go hunting. We used our senses to help us think of some ideas. We have still been working on adjectives and we hunted in our reading books to spot some that the author had used. It helped us to think about our own writing.
  • This week, we also launched the First Minister’s Reading Challenge where we have to try and read as many books as we can over the year- we have all been given a reading passport to record our reading journey.
  • Topic: This week we have been investigating all about owls. We have learned how to label  a diagram of an owl with its body parts.
  • RE: We have began to think about the Nativity story. This week we have been thinking about how Mary and Joseph were feeling when they found out Mary would be having the baby Jesus.
  • We have all had a go at making some hot chocolate reindeer cones to sell at the Christmas Fayre-we look forward to lots of our mums and dads buying them for us!
  • Our Nativity practice is continuing to go well, please can you send in costumes for your child if one is required. Thanks to all parents who have already done so.


Week Beginning 12.11.18

Primary Two have been very busy this week. We have been learning lots!

Maths: We have been learning about 3d shapes. We have been testing 3d shapes to see if they could roll, stack or slide. We had lots of fun doing this!

Literacy: We have been listening to the story of Owl Babies and sequencing it in the correct order to retell the story. We have been learning about the long O sound this week (e.g. bone, note). We have been using adjectives to describe the dark and why we like it.

Topic: We have been learning about reflective clothing and how it can keep up safe in the dark. We have also been sorting activities that we do during the day and at night.

We have also been practicing for the Nativity which is going very well! Please could costumes begin to be brought in next week in a bag labelled with full names and classes. Thanks for your support.


Week Beginning 5.11.18

Primary Two have been very busy this week. We have been learning all about:

  • Literacy- We have been learning to write Acrostic poems. We wrote one all about fireworks. This term we are learning all about the ‘magic e’ rule (long vowel sounds) within phonics, we have been working very hard on our activity stations. We have also been learning all about adjectives to make our sentences more exciting.
  • Maths- Over the past fortnight we have been learning all about 2d shape. We are building on from what we learned in P1 by learning about the different properties of 2d shapes. We have also spent some time investigating patterns that 2d shapes can make. We went outside and made some of our own using sticks and leaves.
  • Topic- This week we have been learning all about light sources. We also learned all about the phases of the moon. We are keeping a moon diary to investigate the pattern of the moon phases.
  • We have been spending some time working with P1 and Mrs Taylor on our Nativity performance. We have picked up the songs well and are starting to learn our lines too. (Please continue to practice these at home.)


Week Beginning 1.10.18

This week in P2 we have been very busy! We have been learning:

  • In Maths, we have been learning all about subtraction, building on what we learned in P1 and now we can subtract numbers from 20!
  • In Literacy, we have been working on the ‘oo/ew’ sound, we did some activities to help us with this.
  • In our writing this week, we wrote a story all about midnight in the toy shop. Miss McCormack was really impressed with all of the describing words we used.
  • In topic, we have spent this week doing our class talks, we all learned a lot about each other’s favourite toys. Miss McCormack was very impressed!
  • We also completed our sponsored LEPRA workout. We had great fun- thank you to everyone who sponsored us!
  • Today, we spent some time learning all about how to make apple juice. We had a go at putting the apples into the press and then we turned a handle to crush the apples and squeeze out the juice. We all really enjoyed it and thought the juice was better than what we buy in the shops!

Week Beginning 24.9.18

This week P2 have been learning:

  • In Maths, we have been working on adding several numbers within the same sum. We know to look for our number bonds to 10 first to help us and then we add the remaining number.
  • In Literacy we have been learning all about the ‘oa’ ‘ow’ sound. We have been doing lots of activities to help us practice this. In grammar we are beginning to learn when and how to learn to use connectives properly.
  • This week we wrote a story all about the characters from Toy Story and an adventure that they went on. We also met Miss McCormack’s invisible friend who helps us to be super writers. We practiced Kung Fu punctuation and had a handwriting disco.
  • We were also practicing words from our reading books, to help us with our fluency and accuracy (keep this up at home!)
  • In our topic this week, we have been comparing toys from today with toys from the past. We chose our favourite toy and compared them to our parents’ favourite toys. We were trying to work out what was the same and what was different about them.
  • We also got to go outside this week and pick some apples and pears from the trees in the playground. We enjoyed it a lot and also got to take some yummy fruit home with us.

Week Beginning 17.9.18

This week in Primary Two we have been learning:

  • In Big Maths we have been consolidating our number bonds to 10. We have been using our workbooks to practice adding. We like to spot a switcher!
  • In Literacy, we have been practicing capital letters and full stops and trying to use them properly. For our writing task we wrote descriptions of some characters from Toy Story- it was very fun!
  • In Social Studies this week we were learning all about toys and games from around the world. We played a game from Africa called Snake. We learned the rules of the game and then we gave it a go, it was great fun!
  • In Art we have been learning all about pop art, specifcally looking at an artist called Andy Warhol as our stimulus. We drew our favourite toy and coloured them in using pop art colours.
  • In RE, we were learning all about how God made us unique and special, we drew a portrait of ourselves and wrote describing words about how God made us.
  • Today was the first Shiny Friday of the year and we all went to our Masterclasses and Committees, please ask us all about them! We all had great fun and learned lots!

Week beginning 11th of June

This week St.Joseph’s performed an amazing show with the Rookie Rockstars to the school community.  We showed off all the songs and dance moves we learned, it was fantastic! We went to the Linlithgow Book Festival to see Morag Hood talk about her books.  We really enjoyed listening to the story ‘I am Bat’.